Guatemala – a land of beauty with dozens of volcanoes
In contrast, hundreds of people in Guatemala City continue to work scavenging in the garbage dump
Our Guatemalan Missionaries Passionate about bringing the Good News to their people Julian Sandra Manuel Ruth Oscar
Groundwork Guatemala Ministry Building and Team House
Each week we visit homes in Amatitlán, Buena Vista and Guatemala City
…bringing the message of salvation, and the comfort and encouragement of God’s love
…simply being the face of Christ to the lonely and hurting
Each week children gather on a farm outside of Amatitlán
The Holy Spirit is laying the foundation of faith as children hear about God’s love and salvation through Bible stories, songs and crafts
Men and women walk from other remote areas to hear the Good News
Adult ministry in Buena Vista, two hours from Guatemala City
Buena Vista is a remote village with no electricity or running water
Children’s ministry in Buena Vista
Old curtains, tarps and cardboard are our tables
Crafts go home and tell the Bible stories to the children’s families
The Public School in Buena Vista invites Groundwork Guatemala to teach Christian Education and English
170 children attend this public school – the only school in Buena Vista
Bringing Jesus to children in this public school is a God sent opportunity
Many children in Guatemala are unable to attend school because they do not have the needed supplies
Fifth and Sixth grade “classroom” at the public school in Buena Vista
Colegio Latinoamericano A private school (not Christian) in Guatemala City Zone 18
Our teams are invited to teach Christian Education and English
122 students grades K-9 attend Colegio Latinoamericano
Adults in a park in Amatitlán Many women simply need to have a sense of belonging…of being loved
Children’s Bible lessons in an Amatitlán park Oscar and Ruth have the joy of teaching the children about their Savior each week at our three ministry sites
Children’s Bible lessons in a park in Amatitlán
Sponsors from the States provide resources for scholarships that open doors of opportunity
Our teams and friends gather much needed supplies which make it possible for more children to attend school
Mission teams have the opportunity to develop relationships with some great Guatemalans as we share God’s love together!
Touching the hearts of the lonely
Sharing God’s love with wonderful families as teams visit homes
Tell everyone what He has done!
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, Continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, Strengthened in the faith as you were taught, And overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7