Using sound and video to provide communication By Natalie Stacey
Overview The History of Communication. Using sound and video in multimedia. The use of Communications in sound and video. Live Communications audio / video / both. Who benefits from video conferencing.
1821 – First microphone made 1835 – Morse code invented 1843 – Long distance electric telegraph line 1876 – Telephone invented 1902 – First radio signal across the Atlantic Ocean 1906 – Electronic Amplifier invented 1979 – First cellular phone communication network in Japan 1985 – Cellular phones in cars become wide-spread 1990’s – Cellular phones become wide-spread 1994 – Internet is born, allowing live sound “calls” Communicating with sound – The history
Communicating with Video – The history 1910 – First talking motion picture 1927 – First television broadcast and release of first film 1956 – Video recorder made 1970 – Fibre optics patented 1979 – “Video disk” invented 1984 – Portable camcorder invented 1994 – Internet is born, allowing live video “calls” 2003 – “Three” network allowing video and sound communication with cellular phones.
Communicating in a video-conference – The history 1956 – Picture phone invented – ARPAnet experiment with voice and video 1991 – Web Cam invented and first audio/video conference TODAY – More and more businesses use video conferencing on a daily basis, over the Internet, video and audio conferencing is as popular and common as text-based communications and Mobile phones now use video as a way of communicating.
Using Sound and Video in Multimedia The use of sound and video allows the audience to take in the information easier – the eye receives information quicker than the ear! When using video and narration, never make narration the primary device, your audience will get bored! If you use clips of animations, videos etc, you must either keep them short, or at least make sure that they are interesting throughout.
Streaming audio file formats There are many type of live streaming digital audio file formats, here are a few of the most common ones; -Real Audio -.ram -Live Audio -Liquid Audio -.lqt -Stream works -.mpa -Shockwave Audio -.swa -NetShow Audio -.asf For live communications over the internet,.RAM is commonly used, as this is compatible with both Windows and Macintosh operating systems.
The use of streaming audio -Internet radio (example, see below) -News broadcasts -Live updates or announcements on specific websites. tunein.asp tunein.asp - clicking this link will open the streaming file in the player you select before hand
Streaming video file formats There are many type of live streaming digital video file formats, here are a few of the most common ones; - Windows media -.wma - RealMedia -.ram - Quicktime -.qt - MPEG4 -.mpg - DIVX -.div Top three are most common as they are compatible with both OS’s and can stream audio & video
Video-conferencing online A video conference is a live connection between two or more people in separate locations, usually involving audio, video and text. Microsoft introduced the first software specifically for video-conferencing called Windows NetMeeting which came with Windows Features; See who you are talking to through web cam Options for web cam and microphone allowed Zoom in and out allowed over NetMeeting Whiteboard
Who benefits? Businesses have meetings via video conferencing - Saving money, and time. People can learn via video conferencing if they are unable to attend classes. Socially, people can also see people who they haven’t for a long time. Picture source: Microsoft NetMeeting
What Are Some Advantages Of Video Conferencing? What Are Some Advantages Of Video Conferencing? Better Planning Opportunities: Planning ahead is priority in web conferencing. This preparation time allows for high returns Interaction With Experts: People can get fast information from experts in real time Cultural Difference: Web Conferencing Software allows people to meet many different types of people. Better Retention: Web Conferencing for learning purposes is just another way to learn instead of using a textbook
Example of software for videoconferencing on a business level Using Infinite video conferencing software, businesses can easily have a video conference over the Internet. Pictures source: Infinite Conferencing
Example of software for video conferencing on a business level The benefit that KDDI have over Infinite, is that it is compatible with all operating systems Pictures source: KDDI software
Using Microsoft MSN messenger The feature for a video conference only allows up to two people view each other’s web cam as shown below. This feature is extremely easy (providing you have a web cam) to activate with one button click and only takes a few minutes to connect. Pictures source: MSN Messenger
Without sound or video as a form of communication -Those with difficulties would suffer -Businessmen / women would still have to travel long distances to attend a meeting and waste time and money in doing so. -People who cannot learn in a classroom, would suffer.
Thank you all for listening!
Bibliography “Designing effective multimedia Presentations” - Peter Faraday and Alistair Sutcliffe - Electronic Publications, 1997