MDI-BDIR-ILC Communications Tom Markiewicz SLAC 08 January 2005
Tom Markiewicz 2 / 9 Comments GDE: –IMHO, DECISION making and COMMUNICATION are the primary roles of the GDE What can/should we do: –Hand over a system which works from day 1, in the same manner that we’re doing for WG structure, etc. Comments: –Each region, lab, group should not have it’s own mailing lists, forums and web pages: All should be “ILC” –The documentation job is too big to ask for volunteer webmasters- systems should all for user posting of info –Uniformity of information storage is important, else archived info is impossible to find: i.e. same system should be used by all WGs in both accelerator and detector worlds
Tom Markiewicz 3 / 9 Mailing Lists
Tom Markiewicz 4 / 9 Forum or Bulletin Board
Tom Markiewicz 5 / 9 Wiki-ware: MS SharePoint
Tom Markiewicz 6 / 9 Wiki-Ware: GNU-based: CERN CDS
Tom Markiewicz 7 / 9 Arbitrarily Large Tree-Unified by Search
Tom Markiewicz 8 / 9 Unification Via Search
Tom Markiewicz 9 / 9 Home-Designed DB+File Structure Based Systems: SLAC BDIR, BaBar, SiD,….