Distance & Blending Learning
Aims of eLearning To provide additional educational material to traditional universities students in order to Improve teaching in relation to contact hours Facilitate team teaching Improve student accessibility Accommodate a wider range of learning modes
Aims of Distance Learning To provide educational material to those unable to take a traditional university course or module because of Their Location Their home responsibilities Their work responsibilities A disability Their own preferences
What are VLEs? Collection of integrated tools enabling the management of online learning, providing a delivery mechanism, student tracking, assessment and access to resources. -JISC Many versions available including Moodle, Blackboard & HTML
Virtual Learning Environments Tools Knowledge Dissemination Module Guide PowerPoint Archive Podcasts Vodcasts Assessment Essay Submission & Feedback Plagiarism Detection Student Collaboration: Discussion Boards Wikis Blogs Read and Response Activities Surveys Quizzes
Virtual Learning Environments Benefits Save a Tree! Course information easily accessible Hyperlinked access to sources Use of subscription-based online resources Consistency among seminar groups Transferable skills (for you and students)
Graduate Transferable Skills Time management Administration Facilitation of small and large groups Organise different types of material Expanding knowledge in other disciplines Teaching outside the comfort zone Course design
Virtual Learning Environments Considerations Technological Substantial initial investment of time Hidden workload maintaining VLE Reliance on technology beyond your control Human Perception that technology will replace contact hours Staff Resistance Student Resistance and Excuses Humanities students do not learn how to use library