Global warming Extreme weather Polar icebergs melting Worldwide effects of El Nino -- changes in a huge ocean current
Earth’s greenhouse effect Earth is like a greenhouse, but with gas rather than glass. Some of the Sun’s non-heat energy is changed into heat, and trapped by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. We pump huge amounts of heat-trapping gases into the air, and cause global warming.
Composition of the heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere Carbon dioxide is the main factor for global warming
What can we do? Reduce Carbon dioxide Burn less fossil fuel burning fossil fuel produce carbon dioxide Have more trees trees can turn carbon dioxide to oxygen
What can children do? Reduce Carbon dioxide Switch off lights which are not in use! Have a shower rather than have a bath. A five-minute shower uses only two-fifths of the hot water needed for a bath. Turn off computers and TVs rather than standby mode. Walk, cycle or take the bus. Use less air-conditioning
What can schools do? Reduce Carbon dioxide Educate children Homework done electronically (save paper) Green Activities: eg. tree planting trip, paper recycle, non-air- condition day, etc.
What can the Government do? Reduce Carbon dioxide building more cycling paths develop more railway systems high tax on private cars limit the no. of neon lights promote renewable energy fuel cell, solar energy, wind, hydroelectricity Laws -- eg. If someone wants neon lights, he should plant some trees or use solar energy in return,
Have more trees ! Who can help ? EVERYONE CAN Government should plant on road sides Estate developers should set up more green lands Everyone can have some plants at home Everyone should use fewer paper
What will be our Future? Climate disaster or fine weather ? Would our future become the movie The Day after Tomorrow, in which the world is doomed ? Small actions do count !!