Research interest: 1. What on-line courses bring to us? 2. How multimedia might decrease learning? 3. How new media may be different from others form? 4. Adapted customize ( different learning styles) 5. Scaffold & support (seldom see a African woman as a scientist in reality)
Motivation: 1. Digital learning demand self-regulated learners 2. Link formal and informal learning (PDA, Cell phone—contact with mentors, scientists …) 3. Making learning fun To do so, what do we need? How can we turn teachers into content developers? Assessment/evidence of impact (learning outcome)
Productivity software for education Word processing software (create, edit, and format): letters, memos, reports, fax cover sheets, mailing labels, and newsletters, lesson plans, and students tests (create written documents). Change the font and font size of headlines and headings, change color of characters, or organize text newspaper style columns.
Incorporate graphics (clip art) Find (research), replace, spell checker, header, footer. Learning the functionality and menu of a word processing programs is tedious and hard to remember when taught in isolation (Ashburn & Floden, 2006, p. 27). Students can use generic tools such as spreadsheets…word processors, help them analyze and present their own ideas in ways resembling their work of practice mathematicians, scientists…. and writers (Ashburn & Floden, 2006, p. 31).
Education issues: Many teachers believe that word processing software improves the quality of written work by making it easier for students to create and edit documents. However, some people argue that word processing software has become a crutch, eliminating the need to learn the rudiments of language. That is students are not forced to know grammar and spelling rules. How do you think word processing software have influenced written communication?
Spreadsheet: to organize numeric, data in rows and columns. Teachers use it for grading (an electronic grade book) Try to think about how develop a classroom lesson activity that integrates word-processing functions into instruction in one or more of these ways. Develop a classroom lesson activity that integrates spreadsheet functions into instruction in one or more of the following ways.