Project 1 ACSM 125 - PowerPoint
Project 1 Creating a presentation Formatting a presentation Saving a presentation Running a presentation Printing a presentation
Getting Started Click on Start Click on Programs Click on Microsoft Office Click on PowerPoint You may also double-click on an icon on the desktop
Creating a PPT Presentation is also called “slideshow” Can be created from scratch Created using a design template
Lots of Possibilities A presentation can include: (text) Tables Charts Pictures Video Sound Animation
Other functionality Word Processing Outlining Charting Drawing Insert multimedia Web features Plus lots more
Getting Started First slide is the title slide Introduces audience to your presentation Top line is for the title Options for the second line: Sub-title Date Presenter
Subsequent Slides Many options for layout of slides Text layouts Content layouts Text & Content layouts Other layouts
Text Layout Start with basic layout: bullets Bullet format is the default Types of bullet formats Single level bullets Multi-level bullets
Change the Appearance Don’t want boring bullets? Change them
Task Pane On the right of the screen Provides help Offers options Can be closed
Excellent diagram Refer to page PPT 10 Figure 1-7 is an excellent diagram
Similarities in Office Menu bar Tool bars Status bar Scroll bars Title bar Should be a review from ACSM classes
Multiple Views Normal view – create as you go Outline view Slide view - thumbnail Slide sorter view – many at once Slide show view – audience view
7 x 7 Rule Remember your audience 7 words across 7 lines on a slide Keep it short! Easy to read
Design Template Consistency in design & color Professionally designed Color scheme Font & font size Layout Effect
Selecting the Design Template Click on the design button View options in task pane Use mouse tip to view template name Click on one to select template Select a different template Consider your audience!
Design Templates Blank template is the default Easier to develop content while blank A template may be distracting! For you For your audience Audience must remember your message Audience shouldn’t remember template
Entering Text Placeholders & text areas Line wrap & AutoFit Enter your text or content Line wrap & AutoFit Same as in Microsoft Word Can change the size of text areas Can change placement of text areas
Text Attributes Similarities to other Office Products Font & font size Appearance (bold, italic, underline) Colors Spell checking
Adding a new slide Multiple ways to do almost everything! New slide button on tool bar Insert menu > new slide Ctrl + M
Adding the slide title Default slide layout is “Title & Text” Slide title: single line at the top Introduces topic of the slide Provides continuity Click in placeholder & type
Adding text to slide First bullet appears by default Type text then press enter key New line & bullet automatically appear Single level format All points on same “level” Structured like an outline Can leave a blank line for readability
Multi-level bullets Introduce points and sub-points Want to include a list Want to increase readability Easier to read More interesting to read Easier to follow Variety of bullet styles
Creating multi-level bullets Type the first line, press enter key Press tab key to indent the next line Pressing enter adds new indented line Will continue until shift + tab to back out New list or continue with other points Structured like an outline Don’t indent without a reason
Multi-level bullets Can create several levels Make sure it has a purpose Use multiple slides for complex topic! Called increase or decrease indent
Save, Save, Save As with all files, save often! Use File menu > Save Use Save button Use Ctrl + S Refer to page PPT 29 Table 1-3 AutoSave every 10 minutes
Moving between slides Use scroll bar Use up or down arrows on scroll bar Use previous or next slide buttons Use slide view on left Arrows Scroll bar Use slide sorter
Closing Slide Defaults to a black slide Delete all blank slides at the end Final slide makes a lasting impression
Use Slide Show Consider the audience’s perspective: Too many words? Is the font hard to read? Backgrounds distracting? Colors hard to read? Too much animation? Video? Sound?
Slide Show Options During the slide show… Right-click to get pop-up menu Use pop-up to go to specific slide Use pop-up to end slide show
Printing Options Print slides (one per page) Print handouts (usually for audience) 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9 slides per page Print notes (for the speaker) Print outline view
More printing options Black & white (saves your toner) Grayscale Color Be sure to save again before printing Remember Murphy’s Law
PowerPoint Typically a “fun” application! Users can show creativity! Users can show personality! Better than index cards for speeches! Let’s Get Started!