Bush Library Proposal By: Elaine Zhou
Overview… We will assume that the people that come to the museum have their own wireless devices. If they don’t, we will provide a few with the downloaded information. Before or when you come to the museum, there will be files that are accessible from the Internet. People then download the file and then the tour will start.
Downloading… On the website, there will be different types of files that you can download. Some will be visual only (with or without subtitles), others audio only, and some that are both. And of course, there will be programs such as JAWS, so that the disabled people can even access the files. If you’re blind, then there will be a microphone for voice commands. If you’re not blind, and still want a microphone for voice commands and such, then yes, you may have a microphone.
Touring… The different kiosks that are physically at the museum will have sensors that will trigger the tour guide in the file/device. Something like this will pop up: If you’re blind, and using the audio, then of course the words will be read to you. And then your voice command, yes or no, will select it. Would you like the tour to start for: The Desert Globe? YesNo
Playing… When the tour is playing, there will be choices that you can choose. If you have the visual tour on your PDA or video iPod, then there will be icons that you may select anytime during the tour. You may use the forward/backward (or rewind/fast forward) buttons on your mp3 player to rewind or fast forward when you want. If you have the audio tour, then when you speak the voice command, then it will ask you again if you would like to do that action (like yes or no). After saying yes, that action will then be performed.
Screenshot Fast Forward And the troops returned home. PlayPause Stop Rewind Subtitles Image/Video
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