Warm-Season Lake-/Sea-Breeze Severe Weather in the Northeast Patrick H. Wilson, Lance F. Bosart, and Daniel Keyser Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University at Albany, Albany, NY Thomas A. Wasula NOAA / National Weather Service, Albany, NY CSTAR-II Grant NA04NWS Ninth Northeast Regional Operational Workshop Albany, NY 8 November 2007
Research Goals Investigate influence of thermodynamic and dynamical processes, along with physiographic effects, on lake-/sea-breeze severe weather events Increase awareness and understanding of this phenomenon
Methodology Warm season: April–October Domain area shown by map Selected cases from search of SPC archived storm data, along with input from NWS meteorologists, for 2000–2006 Verified from NCDC archived radar data
Methodology (continued) Obtained 32 km-resolution NCEP/NARR gridded datasets for all cases to perform synoptic-scale analyses Acquired 20 km-resolution RUC gridded datasets for three cases to perform mesoscale analyses Collected soundings, radar data, satellite images, water temperature data, and surface observations Classified cases into separate categories and conducted case study analyses
Case Classifications Pure Case: mesoscale forcing primary; synoptic-scale forcing secondary Mixed Case: mesoscale forcing and synoptic- scale forcing of similar importance Null Case: convection suppressed by lake-/sea-breeze processes
Case List Cases chosen for RUC analysis highlighted Pure Cases 9 August 2001 (Ontario) 6 July 2003 (Erie) 7 August 2005 (Chesapeake) 2 August 2006 (Ontario) Mixed Cases 9 April 2001 (Erie) 19 April 2002 (Erie) 19 June 2002 (Atlantic) 24 July 2003 (Erie and Ontario) 1 August 2005 (Huron and Ontario) 5 August 2005 (Atlantic) 24 April 2006 (Chesapeake) 30 June 2006 (Erie and Ontario) 23 July 2006 (Erie and Ontario) 28 July 2006 (Atlantic) Null Case 11 July 2006 (Atlantic)
Storm Formation Areas and Tracks: All Cases Legend Red: Storm Formation Areas Arrows: Storm Tracks Green: Null Case Area Pink: Tornado Risk Area
SPC Verification of Cases using Convective Outlook Reports for 2003–2006 Pure Cases (3) Slight Risk: 2, General Thunderstorms: 1 Mixed Cases (7) Slight Risk: 2, General Thunderstorms: 4, Nothing: 1 Null Case (1) Missed Null Area
Pure Case Example 2 August 2006 (Ontario)
1200 UTC 2 August 2006: 200 hPa NARR Analysis Pure
1200 UTC 2 August 2006: 500 hPa NARR Analysis Pure
1200 UTC 2 August 2006: Surface NARR Analysis Pure BUF
1200 UTC 2 August 2006: Sounding Parcel taken from lowest 500 m to determine CAPE Pure
1600 UTC 2 August 2006: 925 hPa RUC Analysis Pure
1600 UTC 2 August 2006: CAPE and 1000–700 hPa Wind Shear RUC Analysis Pure
1700 UTC 2 August 2006: Surface Observations Pure
1800 UTC 2 August 2006: NARR Cross-Section Analysis −3.5 −3.0 −2.5 −2.0 −1.5 −1.0 − Pure
1700 UTC 2 August 2006: Radar Pure
1800 UTC 2 August 2006: Radar Pure
1900 UTC 2 August 2006: Radar Pure
2000 UTC 2 August 2006: Radar Pure
2100 UTC 2 August 2006: Radar Pure
2200 UTC 2 August 2006: Radar Pure
2300 UTC 2 August 2006: Radar Pure
1702 UTC 2 August 2006: Visible Satellite Pure
1825 UTC 2 August 2006: Visible Satellite Pure
1902 UTC 2 August 2006: Visible Satellite Pure
2002 UTC 2 August 2006: Visible Satellite Pure
2125 UTC 2 August 2006: Visible Satellite Pure
2202 UTC 2 August 2006: Visible Satellite Pure
2302 UTC 2 August 2006: Visible Satellite Pure
2 August 2006: SPC Storm Reports Pure
Pure Case Conclusions Ridge axis in place at surface or aloft T > 30°C, T d > 20°C, CAPE > 1500 J kg −1 Placement and timing signal given by 925 hPa θ e -ridge axis (θ e > 335 K) Tendency to become squall lines and to prefer valleys Boundary intersections enhance convection Occur most often during hottest months of summer
1800 UTC 6 July 2003 (Pure): MODIS Visible Satellite Questions?
Mixed Case Example 19 June 2002 (Atlantic)
1200 UTC 19 June 2002: 200 hPa NARR Analysis Mixed
1200 UTC 19 June 2002: 500 hPa NARR Analysis Mixed
1200 UTC 19 June 2002: Surface NARR Analysis Mixed WAL
1200 UTC 19 June 2002: Sounding Parcel taken from lowest 500 m to determine CAPE Mixed
1800 UTC 19 June 2002: 500 hPa Vorticity NARR Analysis Mixed −10 −8 −6 −4 −
1800 UTC 19 June 2002: 925 hPa RUC Analysis Mixed
1800 UTC 19 June 2002: CAPE and 1000–700 hPa Wind Shear RUC Analysis Mixed
1800 UTC 19 June 2002: Surface Observations Mixed
1800 UTC 19 June 2002: Radar Mixed
1900 UTC 19 June 2002: Radar Mixed
2000 UTC 19 June 2002: Radar Mixed
2100 UTC 19 June 2002: Radar Mixed
1732 UTC 19 June 2002: Visible Satellite Mixed
1902 UTC 19 June 2002: Visible Satellite Mixed
2002 UTC 19 June 2002: Visible Satellite Mixed
2132 UTC 19 June 2002: Visible Satellite Mixed
19 June 2002: SPC Storm Reports Mixed
Mixed Case Conclusions Troughs generally in place at surface or aloft 20°C < T < 30°C, 10°C < T d < 20°C Placement and timing signal given by 925 hPa θ e -ridge axis (320 K < θ e < 350 K) Cyclonic vorticity and cyclonic vorticity advection important Boundary intersections enhance convection Occur most often during late spring, early autumn, and cooler portions of summer
Null Case Example 11 July 2006 (Atlantic)
1200 UTC 11 July 2006: 200 hPa NARR Analysis Null
1200 UTC 11 July 2006: 500 hPa NARR Analysis Null
1200 UTC 11 July 2006: Surface NARR Analysis Null OKX CHH
1200 UTC 11 July 2006: Sounding Parcel taken from lowest 500 m to determine CAPE Null
1200 UTC 11 July 2006: Sounding Parcel taken from lowest 500 m to determine CAPE Null
1500 UTC 11 July 2006: CAPE and 1000–700 hPa Wind Shear RUC Analysis Null
1500 UTC 11 July 2006: Surface Observations Null
1800 UTC 11 July 2006: Surface Observations Null
1800 UTC 11 July 2006: 925 hPa RUC Analysis Null
1600 UTC 11 July 2006: Radar Null
1700 UTC 11 July 2006: Radar Null
1800 UTC 11 July 2006: Radar Null
1900 UTC 11 July 2006: Radar Null
2000 UTC 11 July 2006: Radar Null
2100 UTC 11 July 2006: Radar Null
11 July 2006: SPC Storm Reports Null
24-hour Quantitative Precipitation Estimates ending at 1200 UTC 12 July Null
Null Case Conclusions Convection forms from previous factors unrelated to effects of lake or sea breezes Convection is suppressed as the marine boundary layer is too stable to maintain updrafts (less CAPE, more CIN) Significant θ e difference between the contrasting air masses Conditions for severe convection may be quite favorable aloft in the null region due to synoptic patterns Key to these cases is boundary layer characteristics