By: Mark Bright and Mike Donaldson
Project Goal Applications of our system System Block Diagram Thermal Plant Overiew Current Progress ◦ Engine Side (Mark) ◦ Thermal Side (Mike)
The goal of our Engine Control Workstation is to simulate thermal environments that are found in liquid-based cooling systems. With this simulation we are creating several different control methods via MATLAB and Simulink that all work together to control both the engine and thermal transient responses. Both of which combine to reduce system energy usage
Car Application PC Application
Cooling Block Thermistor Flowmeter Pump Motor
32-bit Processor 30 MHz Clock 16 A-D channels 12 PWM Digital I/O Channels 128K on-chip Flash memory 9 Ports total 3.3 v Supply Interface with TI C2000 Simulink System
What is it? ◦ Two Square Waves 90º out of phase How does this improve accuracy? ◦ Four times as many pulse counts Allows for ±5 RPM Error Max Used in DSP Port 8 – Pins 6 and 7
Drag QEP Block from Simulink Code Below is Auto-Generated from Simulink Show as Inner Shaft RPM in Code Composer Show as Out Shaft RPM in GUI
Proportional, Integral Control PI Control was added Integral Controller is (z/z-1) K was tuned to.0005 Ess = ± 20RPM All data is sent to the GUI
Performed Bilinear Transformation in MATLAB Bilinear Transform converts an analog controller to a digital controller Tuned Gain = 1/34.2 instead of 1/17.1 (inverse of plant)
100 RPM Step Input Smaller time to first Peak (Tp) by 20 mS Less Overshoot Ess=0 FF Compensation PI Control Only
User can input desired RPM Outputs: RPM, Duty Cycle, Transient Response Updates in real time Will add more as the project continues
Variable Resistance Anti-aliasing filter X
Conversion of A/D Value to Temperature Excel Trendline Moving Average Filter
Datatype conversions Function auto-code generated
Interface from digital to analog Average Voltage seen by the device
Opto-Isolator TIP120 choice Design for 3A
Increase Base current Increase voltage from 12-volt regulator (more later) Does any PWM work ? ◦ 300mHZ !
LPF to DC the PWM Ideal Op Amp theory Input = Pump
Nick Schmidt ◦ Case Assembly ◦ Hardware Assembly
Motivation ◦ TIP 120 Vce drop 880mv ◦ 13.5 volts max for pump/fan * Linear/Switchmode Voltage Regulator Handbook
OCHAN’s allow for data to be outputted to: ◦ GUI ◦ Workspace
P = Vce * Ie
Start, Type “guide” in MATLAB GUI can be designed here with many components Once designed, MATLAB auto- generates a.m file and.fig file
Started with Professor Dempsey PWM Tutorial Interfaced DSP Board, Simulink and PWM for Motor Tutorial Contents: Simulink Model Auto-Gen.m file Auto-Gen.fig file Demo.m file DSP/Simulink Interface.m file
PWM Brush Type Servo Amplifer – Model 10A8DD Protected for over- voltage and over- current DC Supply Voltage: v Peak Current: ±10A Maximum Continuous Current: ±6A
System Components Total Cost Fan $ Radiator $ Cooling Block $ Reservoir and Pump $ Pump $ Flow Meter $ Coolant $ Cold Cathode $ Temp Sensors - (2) $ V Power Supply $ TI TMS320F2812 DSP Boards - (2) $ VAC Solenoid Valve $ V Pittman Motor - (2) $ Misc - Wires, Tubing, Case $ 20.00