Finding Information Online Objectives: Students will be able to distinguish between web search tools and library search tools and understand the types and purpose of the information found using each.
Information Finding Tools Information can be found using a variety of tools depending on what you are looking for. Two types of tools are: 1. Web search tools such as search engines 2. Library search tools such as catalogs and article databases
Web Search Tools Web search tools help you find information on the internet. The most-used tools to find this type of information are search engines.
Google and Bing are two common search engines. Searching different search engines brings up different search results. Different sites also have different functions.
Some websites are used to socialize
Others are used to communicate.
Some relate the latest news.
You can even explore space through websites.
But there’s more to be found You have access to websites with high quality information for an academic paper or homework assignment --- Through your school library!
Library Search Tools Library search tools help you find information purchased by libraries for their users.
Library Catalog The main tool to find books and materials in the library's collection is the library catalog.
Library Catalogs contain: Books Journal Titles DVDs Reference Books CDs
Article Databases The main tool to find articles in magazines and journals is an article database such as SIRS Knowledge Source or EBSCO’s Academic Search Premier.
A database can provide: Journal articles Magazine articles Reference books Biographies Primary Source documents Newspaper articles Pamphlets
Best Tool for the Job When searching for information, choose the best tool for the job. If you just need some general information on a topic, a quick web search might do the trick.
If you are writing a 10-page research paper, it would be best to spend some time searching the library catalog and article databases to find quality information from scholarly sources.
Summing Up Web search engines can be used to find freely available websites. Websites can be used to socialize, communicate, and learn new things. Library catalogs can be used to find items your library owns. Article databases can be used to find magazine and journal articles that are paid for by your library. Article databases provide more reliable, accurate, and effective information than many websites.