Supporting Social Interaction in an “Intelligent” Competence Development System Bertrand Sereno, Eleni Boursinou & Albert Angehrn Centre for Advanced Learning Technologies INSEAD Boulevard de Constance F Fontainebleau, France
Manchester 12/01/2007 TenCompetence Workshop2 Enhancing Connection Dynamics We are interested in designing systems… Supporting and enabling competence development processes… in various distributed contexts
Manchester 12/01/2007 TenCompetence Workshop3 Connection Dynamics How do we stimulate, support and sustain connection dynamics? User-driven spaces: Network navigation and filtering System-driven set of tools: Connection Agents Connection Games Metrics to assess the impact on individuals, KAs…
Manchester 12/01/2007 TenCompetence Workshop4 Sustaining Connection Dynamics Connection Agents What are they? What do they enable? How can they be represented?
Manchester 12/01/2007 TenCompetence Workshop5 Designing an overview Tool A virtual Community environment gain an overview of and become aware of relevant Competence Development Opportunities (CDO), build an informed opinion about which ones would best fit their objectives and aspirations, get the possibility to share their experiences and engage in productive knowledge exchanges with other users.
Manchester 12/01/2007 TenCompetence Workshop6 Sustaining Connection Dynamics Connection-friendly environments
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Manchester 12/01/2007 TenCompetence Workshop8 Stimulus Agents Our premise is that Stimulus agents provide further support by activating personalized and contextualized intervention based on user objectives and actual online behavior. Value added to the user and the system by helping establishing “connections”.
Manchester 12/01/2007 TenCompetence Workshop9 Stimulus Agents value can be created for and by the user in a number of critical domains, supporting and stimulating him/her to: discover learn about and from engage into and with share related knowledge and insights act upon the opportunities emerging from the connection created (or strengthen).
Manchester 12/01/2007 TenCompetence Workshop10 The Welcome Agent stimulate continued return to and participation in knowledge communities. make him/her aware of his/her environment by making him/her formalize his/her expectations, competence development objectives and interest introduce him/her to relevant competence development opportunities, such as books or experts.
Manchester 12/01/2007 TenCompetence Workshop11 The CDO Connection Agent identifies a set of members and CDOs matching each of his/her current competences calculates an “internal relevance measure” for each CDO (and People) identified and adapts accordingly the List and the Network visualization to facilitate/speed up further exploration.
Manchester 12/01/2007 TenCompetence Workshop12 Network Navigation Functionalities Display Options (zooming facilities, CDO node..) Filtering Options Expression-based filters, Type-based filters, a 'people' filter a 'relations' filter, Rating- based filters and Novelty-based filters.
Manchester 12/01/2007 TenCompetence Workshop13 Your feedback is very much welcome!