Fast Communication for Multi – Core SOPC Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering High Speed Digital Systems Lab Supervisor: Evgeny Fiksman Performed by: Moshe Bino Alex Tikh Spring ’st Semester Presentation 1
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Introduction Hardware Design Software Design Debug Process Time Table 3Table of Content
Problem statement Single CPU is reaching its technological limits, e.g. heat dissipation and cost/power ratio. Thus parallel computing evolved, utilizing multi core processor paradigm. Three major inter-communication techniques are: Message passing, Shared memory and Remote procedure calls. 4Introduction
Project description Multi core system of four MicroBlaze processors is to be built on Xilinx FPGA. Message passing model is chosen for processor inter- communication. Implemented as MPI library specification. Network-on-Chip (NoC) methodology employed for cores interconnect. Dedicated NoC router is implemented. 5Introduction
Project description 6Introduction
Project description The project is a basic SoPC platform for programmable chips. The system can be combined to a multi-core processor, which efficiently handles designated tasks or as a group of hardware accelerators which support the main processor unit. The system can be expanded into a larger network depending on the device resources. The system provides relatively high and flexible computation power on a small device, board etc. 7Introduction
The following components are to be implemented: Quad core system. NoC router (4 ports) and infrastructure for fast communication in multi-core system. Chosen MPI functions written in C. Software application demonstrating the advantages of a parallel system (written in C). Project goals 8Introduction
Constrains: FPGA (V2P) maximum clock frequency 400MHz. MicroBlaze core maximum frequency 100MHz. Processors Memory size 64kbyte. (code + data). Processor to FSL access time - 3 clock cycles. Maximum FSL buffer depth is equals 0.5kbyte. Interrupt handle time - 20 clock cycles (no interrupts nesting). Preferences: Router works at maximum frequency. Router is designed for relatively small messages – maximum 1kbyte due to processors memory size. System specifications 9Introduction
10 MPI - Message Passing Interface MPI is a library specification (language independent) for message-passing, proposed as a standard by a broadly based committee of vendors, implementers, and users. Designed for high performance on both massively parallel machines and on workstation clusters. MPI is widely available, with both free available and vendor-supplied implementations. Introduction
11 The upper word is the Header. The lower word is the Tail. Data is located in the middle. Each word is 32 bit. Message structure Introduction
The Header consist of the fields: Message payload 12 Name Size (bits) OrderDescription H10Represent the Header DST41:4The message destination in the COMM COMM45:8The group of cores in the message destination CMD49:12The command name for this message (Send, Bcast) TYPE413:16The date type in this message DATA CNT1017:26The number of words in this message Name Size (bits) OrderDescription T10Represent the Tail SRC41:4 The message source port in it ’ s SCOMM SCOMM45:8Group of cores in the message source port TAG119:19Message code, group of messages in the same topic\issue * Empty fields where left to allow network and functionality extensions. The Tail consist of the fields: Introduction
Block diagram 13Introduction
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Router Implementation 15Hardware Design
Router specification The router consists of one major block called Cross Bar. The Cross Bar is a network switch configured for switching data across multiple ports. it utilizes an efficient arbiter based on Round Robin mechanism. The Cross Bar supports port to port message passing. and broadcasting (not simultaneously). The Cross Bar comprise of 2 main units: 1.Permission unit. 2.Port FSM (for each port). 16Hardware Design
CROSS – BAR 17Hardware Design
Permission process 18Hardware Design Round Robin arbiter- service order according to loop. Check if Dest’ is not busy. Permit for a ‘time slot’. If not requesting, service next requesting port. BUSY and LAST writing ports are saved.
Timer Unit Timing generator - enables each port for constant ‘time slot’. When ‘Permit’ input is de-asserted the present time slot is switched to the next requesting port. If all ports request permission, priority privilege is by order. select relevant Req signal to Controller. 19Hardware Design
Controller 20Hardware Design Checks if enabled port request permission. Checks for busy ports with last writing port. Permit last source port until message delivery ends. Updates busy and last writing port signals.
Port FSM 21Hardware Design Destination is extracted from Header. Request is asserted high. Permission is checked before any state transition. When granted, message is delivered to destination until tail is found. In BCAST, each read word is sent to each port destination in a loop. ports written are saved. request is de-asserted at end.
22 Control Path Arbiter Connects Dest & Permit signals to/from the control Bus according to PORT address. Tri-state Buffers - unused Dest signals are fed with high Z. Unused Permit signals (Port FSM direction) are fed with ‘0’. Hardware Design
Connects the appropriate controls and data to the Buses according to PORT address. Connects the buses to the appropriate fsl according to DEST address. Generally - buses allows increasing ports number by adding Bus Interfaces with the sequential port address. 23Hardware Design Data Path Arbiter
Example 1 At each time slot part of the message is send to it’s destination as long as the destination port is not busy. When Port is busy the next requesting port is service (no delay). 24Hardware Design
Example 2 If one port has no data (port 2) other ports are serviced by order. 25Hardware Design
Example 3 Handling BCAST command and port arbitrating while 2 ports has the same destination. 26Hardware Design
The fifo control bit is “bubbled” in the fifo, representing the message Header and Tail. In the MicroBlaze (MB) direction, This bit indicates the MB about message pending in the fsl pipe. (Interrupt) In the router direction, This bit indicates the router about start/end of message. 27Hardware Design Interrupt Handler
Messages data and FSL control bit are bubbled along the FSL channel. 28Hardware Design FSL – data & control
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Software Layers Application Layer: MPI functions interface Network Layer: hardware independent implementation of these functions Data layer: relies on command bit fields Physical layer: designed for FSL bus 30Software Design
MPI Functions set Every MPI function returns an error value. Some of the implemented functions are trivial, and present because required by MPI standard. MPI_Init( int *argc, char ***argv ); MPI_Comm_rank ( MPI_Comm comm, int *rank ); MPI_Comm_size ( MPI_Comm comm, int *size ); MPI_Finalize(); 31Software Design
MPI Functions set Non-trivial functions, used for inter-processors communication are: Send, Interrupt Vector and Recv. Bcast is a combination of Send and Recv, and differs only at low design level. MPI_Send( void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm ); MPI_Bcast ( void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm ); MPI_Recv( void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status ); 32Software Design
33 MPI Functions set Three additional complimentary functions. Supply additional info about the received message. MPI_Get_source( MPI_Status* status, MPI_Datatype datatype, int *source ); MPI_Get_count( MPI_Status* status, MPI_Datatype datatype, int *count ); MPI_Get_tag( MPI_Status* status, MPI_Datatype datatype, int *tag ); Software Design
MPI_Send: composes header and tail, and sends it with the message (body) Sending the message 34Software Design
Receiving the message Interrupt Vector: receives incoming messages, and stores them in suitable linked list 35Software Design
36 Return received message MPI_Recv: message details received from user. Looks for this message in linked list of already received messages Software Design
Example application Matrix - Vector multiplication Typical example of highly parallel application. VectorRoot processor broadcasts Vector. Matrix RowSelected Matrix Row sent by root to each processor. Each processor computes and returns its result. Computed results are combined into a vector by root processor. 37Software Design
Example application Matrix - Vector multiplication 38Software Design Root
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40 Debug - structure Debug Process
The Test Bench reads messages from a file and write them into the FSL pipe (MB output side). It also reads messages from the pipe (MB input side). Signals can also be viewed in ModelSim Debug – Test Bench 41Debug Process
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Semester 2 - Tasks 43 Build a quad core systemDone Implement router for the system build a modular router in VHDL Test and debug Router (hardware) MPI API (software) Run a test application measure speed-up as function of average message size and messages amount Time Table