04/10/03 Daniele del Re 1 V ub exclusive (CKM workshop) Many new measurements, agreement in general CLEO performed new analysis in bins of q 2 reducing FF dependence Mean of exclusive analyses starts to be systematically below the inclusive one Mentioned the recoil of fully B tags to minimize the systematic unc. Problems in averaging: how can we quote and weight FF dependence?
04/10/03 Daniele del Re 2 V ub exclusive (CKM workshop) We can reject theoretical models using the q 2 distribution
04/10/03 Daniele del Re 3 V ub inclusive (CKM workshop) 4 new measurements based on Mx from B factories discussion about performing averages established common strategy between BaBar and Belle (both for experimental and theoretical uncertainties) not much time for discussion with theorists (close to zero actually)
04/10/03 Daniele del Re 4 V ub inclusive (CKM workshop) Recoil of B D * l in Belle
04/10/03 Daniele del Re 5 V ub inclusive (CKM workshop) M X < 1.5 GeV q 2 > 7 GeV 2 M X [GeV] q 2 [GeV 2 ] Annealing method in Belle: divide the event in two Bs, many combinations take the one with the highest prob. to be signal (using a PDF made by a combination of discriminating variables)