Matching Patterns Servers assemble sequences of notifications from smaller subsequences or from single notifications.This technique requires an advertisement based semantics. Pattern Factoring Subscription factored into elementary components. Output of factoring process is always a sequence. Pattern Delegation Server sends out necessary subscriptions to collect the required Subpatterns and uses a monitor that will observe and distribute the occurrence of the whole pattern.
Evaluation Reasoning qualitatively about the rationale for the expressiveness of the notification selection mechanism Performing simulation studies Constructing a prototype More study required to fully validate the design, but achieved the goal of a Wide area event notification service
Rationale for chosen Expressiveness Factors unaccounted for – Network Latency and Data Structure size (Also restricted the expressiveness of Patterns in Siena in the interests of efficiency ) Factors under control – Definitions of notifications, filters, patterns and complexity of computing covering relations. Covering Relations Complexity of determining whether a given subscription and a given notification are related by is O(n+m) where n = No. of Attribute constraints in the subscription filter m = No. of Attributes in the notification Values of n and m small so computations negligible compared to the network costs. SIENA = SQL in terms of expressiveness
Simulation Studies ( to assess scalability ) Simulation Framework Configuration of servers and clients mapped onto the sites of a wide area network An assignment of application behaviors to objects of interest and interested parties Network Configuration Site Costs Links Assumptions 1.Links have constant latency 2.Sites and links have infinite capacity 3.Costs of computation at sites and communication through links are linear functions of load Effect of congestion unaccounted? Sites Links Servers Clients Homogenous Architecture
Application Behavior Objects of Interest executes m sequences like Interested party executes p sequences like Main purpose of simulations is to highlight the relative behaviors of the architectures and algorithms. Simulation was conducted on objects of interest and interested parties associated with only one particular kind of event. Additional kinds of events (with their own publishers and subscribers) not considered ?Why (inspite of chances of final results getting affected) ? Four event notification service architecture/algorithms: ce = centralized architecture ( omitted because total cost far outweighs that of distributed architectures ) hs = hierarchical client-server with subscription forwarding as = acyclic peer to peer with subscription forwarding aa = acyclic peer to peer with advertisement forwarding
1.Total Cost Saturation point Total cost = sum of the costs of all site to site message traffic It captures an important aspect of scalability by revealing how communication cost is impacted by increases to load presented to the service.
Observations When more than 100 interested parties, total cost constant beyond the saturation point (no additional cost incurred) - since there is an object of interest at every site All architectures scale sub linearly when No. of Interested parties is below saturation point - since object of interest and interested party are not at the same site As No.of Objects of interest increases, ‘ hs’ performs worst when compared to ‘ as’ - ‘as’ is penalized by its broadcast of subscriptions whereas ‘hs’ propagates notifications towards the root of the hierarchy and it is forced to do so whether or not interested parties exist on the other side of the root of the network ‘ aa ’ depicts unstable cost profile for low densities of interested parties - objects of interest unadvertises and readvertises frequently Overall ‘ as ’ scales well and predictable under all circumstances
Comparison of total costs below saturation point
2.Cost per service request Avg. per service cost = Total Cost Total number of Client requests hs does well as does well
Observations 1.‘ce’ unreasonable in all scenarios as compared to other architectures 2. Advertisement forwarding becomes unstable for high no. of objects of interest 3.For low number’s of objects of interest and interested parties, the costs are dominated by message passing costs internal to ‘SIENA’
3.Cost per subscription and per Notification Avg per subscription cost = Total cost of all subscription related messages Number of subscriptions processed Avg per notification cost = Total cost of all notification related messages Number of notifications processed ‘as’ higher cost‘hs’ higher cost
How‘hs’ and ‘as’ forwards subscriptions In ‘as’ a subscription is propagated throughout the network, in a network of N sites, a subscription goes through O(N) hops Cost = O(N) In ‘hs’ a subscription is forwarded upward only to the root server Cost = O(log N)
4. Worst-case Per-site Cost Calculated by averaging the cost of communication incurred by each site over the 10 simulations of that scenario, and then by computing the maximum over those average per site costs ‘hs’ incurs maximum per site cost than ‘as’ for high densities of objects of interest and therefore high volumes of notifications
Summary Costs as hs Per- Subscription cost Higher O(N) Lower O(logN) Worst-case per-site cost LowerHigher( for higher densities) Cost of ignored notifications NilFixed cost O(log N) Cost of delivering notification Same ‘hs’ performs better at low densities of interested parties that subscribe unsubscribe frequently ‘as’ performs well in the presence of ignored notifications
SIENA Prototype Implemented in C++ and Java Java event server based on hierarchical client-server algorithm C++ event server based on acyclic peer to peer architecture with subscription forwarding Client/server and server/server communication implemented on top of TCP/IP connections Also encapsulated application level protocols such as HTTP and SMTP
Comparing Siena with other related technologies
Subscription Languages Scope whether a subscription is limited to considering a single notification or multiple notifications whether a subscription is limited to considering a single, designated field in a notification or whether it can consider multiple fields Expressive Power Concerned with sophistication of operators used in forming subscription predicates 1. Content based language 2. Channel based language 3. Subject based language
Related Technologies 1. Yeast (event action system) / Siena (event notification service) In Siena responses to events are executed by interested parties externally to the service Yeast is also responsible for executing the actions taken in response to event notifications 2. IP Multicast similar to Siena Addresses are not explicit host addresses but rather arbitrary expressions of interest, and in which subscribing is equivalent to joining a group 3. Active networks (can be used as an implementation platform) 4. CORBA Notification service and Java Message Service (interfaces) 5. iBus, TIBCO TIB/Rendezvous, Talarian’s (NOT SCALABLE) 6. IBM’S Gryphon uses fast algorithm propagates every subscription everywhere in the network, whereas Siena propagates only the most generic subscriptions 7. Peer to peer architecture
Conclusion Future areas of research of Siena Which algorithms most sensitive to different classes of applications Enhance the design of interface and algorithms to support mobility QoS Other aspects of Wide area event notification service Secure publish/ subscribe connection Mechanisms for reliability and fault tolerance Content based Routing