Service Learning 101 for Students: What, Why & How? Brenda Marsteller Kowalewski, Ph.D. Community-Based & Experiential Learning
2 Objectives Define Service-Learning. Why faculty engage students in service- learning. Essential characteristics of a good service- learning project. Possible service sites and/or projects.
3 Service Learning: What Is It? National Commission on Service-Learning “…a teaching and learning approach that integrates community service with academic study to enrich learning, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities.”
4 Adapted from the National and Community Service Act of 1990 Corporation for National and Community Service Promotes learning through active participation Provides structured time for students to reflect Provides a opportunities to use skills and knowledge in real-life situations Extends learning beyond the classroom Fosters a sense of caring for others
5 Community service example You tutor children in reading and math in the Ogden City School District. That’s volunteerism.
6 Service-learning example You tutor children in the OCSD, analyze what you are learning about the consequences of poverty as it relates to education, share the results of your analysis and offer suggestions to the teacher/school to help address the consequences of poverty you’ve observed, and then reflect on your experience. THAT is service-learning!
7 Why faculty engage their students in Service-Learning You benefit! Faculty benefit! Community benefits!
8 You Benefit Personally sense of personal efficacy personal identity spiritual growth moral development interpersonal development – the ability to work well with others – Leadership – communication skills
9 Raises Your Awareness community issues and needs how to be part of the solution rather than the problem cultural & racial understanding social responsibility and citizenship skills
10 Your Academic Learning Increases Application of what you have learned to “the real world” Complexity of understanding Problem solving Critical thinking Cognitive development Career development
11 Faculty Benefit Students learn the core information that faculty want them to learn. Enriches classroom discussion and lectures with relevant real world experiences.
12 Community Benefits Increased: 72% Services 52% Volunteers 49% Clients Served 49% Resources 45% Project Completion 45% Collaboration 24% Staff Recruitment
13 Good Service-Learning Involves: YOU having a genuine interest in your project. YOU sharing your knowledge and talents with those being served at your service site. YOU learning from the knowledge and talents of those being served at your service site. YOU reflecting on your service experience continuously throughout the semester.
14 Good Service-Learning Involves: YOU actively trying to understand what you are learning in your service experience in relationship to course material. YOU actively trying to understand course material in terms of how it relates to your service project. YOU making a difference! YOU learning!
15 Possible Service Sites See handout provided Volunteer Guide Booklet on WSU Community Service web page: –
16 Campus Resource CBEL office - Brenda Kowalewski, Director Library Suite 57 – Sociology SS 126 – CBEL web page – (under construction)
17 Campus Resource Office of Student Involvement and Leadership Kari Petersen, Community Service Director – – Community Service Web page –
18 Online Resources National Service-Learning Clearinghouse – Campus Compact – Utah Campus Compact –