Part IV: Optical Spectroscopy of Solids Atilla AYDINLI
Outline Experimental Setup Elements of Raman Spectroscopy Monochromator PMT Laser Elements of Raman Spectroscopy Introduction to Photoluminescence Spectroscopy
Reflection Grating
Transmission Grating
Grating Equation
Grating Equation
Grating Equation Littrow Configuration
Grating Equation Deviation angle Scan angle Grating equation for mounts
Sin-Drive; Cosecant-Drive
Diffraction Order
Order Overlap
Dispersion Angular Dispersion Linear Dispersion
Dispersion Reciprocal Linear Dispersion (nm/mm) 2.43 nm/mm for U1000 w/ 1800 g/mm grating
Resolving Power
Focal Length and F/#
F/# Matching Over match: Loss of signal Under match: Loss of resolving power Choose collection optics geometry to match it to the F# of the monochromator
Spectral Responsivity
Transfer Function/Throughput Polarization dependent Wavelength dependent Ideal light source? No! Use a black body at a known temp Use calibrated W lamp With known incident spectral light density measure output and calculate T. Important for PL exp not so for Raman.