Low T Electronics Class Projects Guofu Niu Alumni Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Auburn University, Auburn AL 36830
Requirements u An IEEE transactions paper style formal report on the subject of your choosing v Professional analysis / graphics v Complete reference information u A 15 minute presentation u Any software related files needed to repeat / evaluate your work.
Objectives u Gain a better understanding of the temperature dependence of transistor or circuit u Investigate a specific problem in transistor operation, modeling, or circuit design for operation down to 77K using the IBM 5HP or 5AM HBTs.
Temperature Dependent Modeling of Collector and Base Currents down to 43K u You have: v Ibm design kit to begin with (-55 to 120C calibrated) using VBIC model u You need to: v Extract the IS and N factors for all T v Evaluate the T dependence model in VBIC v Come up with a new model for the T dependence v Come up with parameter extraction method v Implement your model in verilog-A u Your goal: v Show better T-dependence modeling of Gummel curves u Who: v Kejun, Xiaoyun, Zhiming, Kim
Temperature dependent calibration of Gummel / Output for 5AM SiGe HBT u You have: v An input profile / deck v Some existing PMI model C++ files u You need to: v Compare to data using default Dessis v Understand the PMI models v Understand ALL T dependences of mu, Nc/Nv, Eg and how to tune them to fit data u Your Goals: v Calibrate Gummel for low and high injection v Calibrate output (extra credit) u Who: Yan, Mutu, Kejun/2?