Collaborative Interactions in Knowledge Building Process Alice WAN Ngai-teck 5 July, 2003
Conceptual Framework (1) Knowledge Building (Scardamalia and Bereiter) shift from learning to the construction of collective knowledge. shift from students as clients to students as participants in a learning organization. Knowledge transforming discourse is central to KB because it is the means through which knowledge is formed, criticized and amended.
Conceptual Framework (2) Conceptual Framework for “Collaborative Interactions in KB Process : ICT for Knowledge Building Collaboration Interaction Knowledge Building Efforts Participation (2a) (2b) (2c) (2d)
Conceptual Framework (2a) Knowledge Building Process (Stahl, 2000) – Staged Model
Conceptual Framework (2b) ICT supports – Use of Knowledge Forum
Conceptual Framework (2c) Collaboration – Interaction and Participation Type of Collaboration As “a form of Interaction” ‧ Coordination ‧ Cooperation ‧ Reflective Communication As “a process of participation” ‧ Level ‧ Structure ‧ Interactivity Collaborative Activity
Conceptual Framework (2d) Knowledge Building Efforts (Scardamalia and Bereiter, 1999) Knowledge Building Efforts Knowledge is reconstruct not create Knowledge is not a piece of empirical work Knowledge is new to learner Knowledge is concern with the whole world
Aims of Research This research is to describe how learners construct knowledge collaboratively in Knowledge Building environment
Research Questions How students construct knowledge collaboratively throughout the Knowledge Building process? What is the participation and interaction pattern in a Knowledge Building context? What is the quality of the collaborative interactions?
Research Methodology (1) an exploratory study to discover the collaboration activity throughout the process of Knowledge Building and their relation to the construction of knowledge. a case study of a Knowledge Building classroom.
Research Methodology (2) Subject : a class of Form 4 students (no of students - 40 students) in a secondary school in Hong Kong studying the subject of History. Technological Context: use of Knowledge Forum during the period from 14 July, 2002 to 16 September, 2002
Research Methodology (2a) Technological Context: Guiding Platform Question & Answer Platform Discussion Platform Self Reflection Platform
Research Methodology (3) Methods: qualitative and quantitative approach Instruments of Analysis: The quantitative analysis was applied to the reports generate by Analytic Toolkit (ATK). Qualitative analysis was based formal observations performed in the Knowledge Forum .
Research Findings (1) KB Process Phase of Knowledge Building Knowledge Building Platform Guiding Platform Question & Answer Platform Discussion Platform AArticulate in words BPublic statements COther people’s public statement DDiscuss alternatives EArgumentation and rationale FClarify meanings GShared understanding HNegotiate perspectives ICollaborative knowledge JFormalize and objectify KCultural artifacts and representations
Research Findings (2a) Collaboration as “a process of participation” –Level of Participation Items Total No. of Notes Contributed By Students (%) Number of Notes Contributed Per Students Percentage of Notes that are Linked Guiding Platform 166 (35.9%)4.156% Question & Answer Platform 142 (30.7%)3.5520% Discussion Platform 155 (33.4%)3.8865% Overall 463 (100% ) %
Research Findings (2b) Collaboration as “a process of participation” –Structure : No. of notes added per day in each platform
Research Findings (2c) Collaboration as “a process of participation” –Interactivity: “who read whose note” students concentrated to read those notes that were contributed by few particular students. “Star” contributors refer to a particular student whose notes read by many other students.
Research Findings (2d) Collaboration as “a form of Interaction” –Spider Pattern in Guiding Platform: Coordination
Research Findings (2e) Collaboration as “a form of Interaction” –Linear Pattern in Q & A Platform: Cooperation
Research Findings (2f) Collaboration as “a form of Interaction” –Branch Pattern in Discussion Platform: Reflective Communication
Research Findings (2g) Collaboration as “a form of Interaction” –Dynamic Interaction in Branch Pattern
Research Findings (2g) Collaboration as “a form of Interaction” –Re-visit the notes previously posted up Group No of Students participated in Discussion Platform Read Back the Notes in Guiding and Question & Answer Platform No of TimesNo of NotesAverage No of Notes Per Student A B C D E F
Towards a Quality Collaboration in the process of KB Participation : Means vs End Linkage : Transmission vs Ritual Interactivity : Diversity vs Grounding Teachers’ Role : Distributed vs Complementary Students’ Role : Peer Facilitator vs Peer Tutor
Aligning KB with Pedagogy Bridging students outside classroom. Redefining the boundaries of learning. Equipping teachers with collaborative and communication skills. Building an atmosphere of equal sharing, contribution and recognition.
Collaborative Interactions in Knowledge Building Process Alice WAN Ngai-teck 5 July, 2003 End