Dr. Susan T. Kohler Dunn-Richmond Economic Development Center and Dr. Christopher C. Kohler Fisheries and Illinois Aquaculture Center Southern Illinois University Carbondale April 9, 2003 Rural Enterprise and Alternative Agricultural Development: An Illinois Initiative
O ver one million workers are employed in Illinois’ food and fiber system
Over nine billion dollars annually is generated by the marketing of Illinois’ agricultural commodities
An increasing number of farm families are dependent on off-farm income to make ends meet
Low commodity prices, along with domestic and foreign competition, have made it difficult for many Illinois farmers to remain profitable
Administered by Dunn-Richmond Economic Development Center Southern Illinois University Carbondale
In Partnership With Fisheries and Illinois Aquaculture Center Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Economic Development Approaches Enterprise Attraction Enterprise Development Enterprise Retention and Expansion Approaches
Based on the premise that attracting new businesses to a community will add employment and income. Enterprise Attraction Approach
Focuses on business creation or formation to add jobs and income. (Lenzi 1995) Enterprise Development Approach
Stresses technical assistance to enterprises in the areas of business planning, marketing and financial analysis. Enterprise Development Approach
Focuses on existing businesses and promotes job growth by helping enterprises identify conditions that affect production or threaten viability. (Morse 1990) Enterprise Retention & Expansion Approach
Enterprise Development and Enterprise Retention & Expansion Approaches in Concert with Research and Technical Assistance READI Model
To expand income and job opportunities in rural alternative agricultural enterprises. Goal
Aquaculture SECTORS Viticulture/Wineries Specialty Crops
To promote and facilitate the development and expansion of sustainable aquaculture enterprises in Illinois. Goal of the Aquaculture Component
Business Component Feasibility Studies Marketing Studies Business Plans Technical Assistance Fact Sheets Seminars/Workshops Strategy
Production Component Research Projects Demonstration Projects Technical Assistance Fact Sheets Seminars/Workshops Strategy
Researchers Students Technical Experts Business Production TEAMTEAM
Business Plans and Feasibility Studies Guyot Fish Service - Hauling Crim Family Fish Farm-Catfish Lusk Fish Farm- Hybrid Striped Bass Illinois Fish Farmer’s Coop Totals to date: 14 Business Plans 11 Feasibility & Marketing Studies
Starting a Small Business Business Structure Taxation Record Keeping Production Costs WorkshopsWorkshops
Fish Farm Business Plan Workbook Southern Illinois Festival Markets for Freshwater Prawns Organizational Structures Available to Agriculture PublicationsPublications
Surface coal mine lakes cage culture Blue x channel catfish hybrid Hybrid striped bass Freshwater prawn industry Recirculating aquaculture systems R&D--Responding to the Needs of the Industry
Demonstration Projects Culture of Freshwater Prawns in Southern Illinois Hybrid Striped Bass Phases I, II & III in Open Ponds Tilapia Production Using Indoor Water Reuse Systems
Phone contacts with the aquaculture specialist 2,415 Informational mailings 913 Site Visits 237 Conferences/workshops 49 Presentations 68 Technical Assistance
Aquaculture Fact Sheets Aquaculture in the United States: An Introduction to the Industry Aeration and Water Quality: Airlift Devices A Production Method for Freshwater Prawns in Illinois Ponds Wetlands and Illinois Aquaculture
Communications Strategy Web Site
Technical Assistance in the Business and Production Aspects of Aquaculture READI Model
Measures of Success in Aquaculture Acreage in aquaculture production has increased 50% from 603 acres to 925. The number of farmers has quadrupled (~12 to ~50). Fourteen business plans were developed of which six received funding. 42 enterprises were started/expanded.