ELEN 468 Lecture 81 ELEN 468 Advanced Logic Design Lecture 8 Behavioral Descriptions II
ELEN 468 Lecture 82 Procedural Timing Control Delay control Event control Named events “wait” construct
ELEN 468 Lecture 83 Delay Control Operator (#) initial begin #0in1 = 0; in2 = 1; #10 in3 = 1; #40 in4 = 0; in5 = 1; #60 in3 = 0; end initial begin #0in1 = 0; in2 = 1; #10 in3 = 1; #40 in4 = 0; in5 = 1; #60 in3 = 0; end
ELEN 468 Lecture 84 Event Control Operator ( eventA or eventB ) begin ( eventC ) begin … end ( eventA or eventB ) begin ( eventC ) begin … end Event -> identifier or expression When is reached Activity flow is suspended The event is monitored Other processes keep going posedge: 0->1, 0->x, x->1 negedge: 1->0, 1->x, x->0 Cannot assign value to the event variable inside the synchronized behavior
ELEN 468 Lecture 85 Named Event module modA (…); … event sth_happens; // declaration always … ->sth_happens; // trigger event end endmodule module modB(…); … (top_mod.modA.sth_happens) … endmodule module modA (…); … event sth_happens; // declaration always … ->sth_happens; // trigger event end endmodule module modB(…); … (top_mod.modA.sth_happens) … endmodule Also called abstract event Declared only in module with keyword event Must be declared before it is used Event is triggered by “->” Provide high level inter- module communication without physical details
ELEN 468 Lecture 86 Example of Named Event module flop_event ( clk, reset, data, q, q_bar ); inputclk, reset, data; outputq, q_bar; regq; eventup_edge; assign q_bar = ~q; ( posedge clk ) -> up_edge; ( up_edge or negedge reset ) begin if ( reset == 0 ) q = 0; else q = data; end endmodule module flop_event ( clk, reset, data, q, q_bar ); inputclk, reset, data; outputq, q_bar; regq; eventup_edge; assign q_bar = ~q; ( posedge clk ) -> up_edge; ( up_edge or negedge reset ) begin if ( reset == 0 ) q = 0; else q = data; end endmodule
ELEN 468 Lecture 87 The “wait” Construct module modA (…); … always begin … wait ( enable ) ra = rb; … end endmodule module modA (…); … always begin … wait ( enable ) ra = rb; … end endmodule Activity flow is suspended if expression is false It resumes when the expression is true Other processes keep going
ELEN 468 Lecture 88 Intra-assignment Delay: Blocking Assignment // B = 0 at time 0 // B = 1 at time 4 … #5 A = B; // A = 1 C = D; … A = #5 B; // A = 0 C = D; … A B; C = D; … A B; C= D; … // B = 0 at time 0 // B = 1 at time 4 … #5 A = B; // A = 1 C = D; … A = #5 B; // A = 0 C = D; … A B; C = D; … A B; C= D; … If timing control on LHS Blocking delay RHS evaluated at Assignment at If timing control on RHS Intra-assignment delay RHS evaluated immediately Assignment at
ELEN 468 Lecture 89 Intra-assignment Delay: Non-blocking Assignment always ( posedge clk ) G (bus) acc; C <= D; // not blocked end always ( posedge clk ) G (bus) acc; C <= D; // not blocked end Sampling RHS immediately in the latest cycle Wait for time control to execute assignment Subsequent assignments are not blocked In 1 st cycle, “acc” is sampled What if no “bus” change in the same cycle? In next cycle, “acc” is sampled again Value of “acc” from previous cycle is overwritten Warning message
ELEN 468 Lecture 810 Be Cautious module or8( y, a, b ); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] y; reg [7:0] y; initial begin assign y = a | b; end endmodule module or8( y, a, b ); input [7:0] a, b; output [7:0] y; reg [7:0] y; initial begin assign y = a | b; end endmodule Model combinational logic by one-shot (initial) behavior Valid Not preferred Not accepted by synthesis tool
ELEN 468 Lecture 811 Example initial begin a = #10 1; b = #2 0; c = #3 1; end initial begin d <= #10 1; e <= #2 0; f <= #3 1; end initial begin a = #10 1; b = #2 0; c = #3 1; end initial begin d <= #10 1; e <= #2 0; f <= #3 1; end t a b c d e f 0 x x x x x x 2 x x x x 0 x 3 x x x x x x x
ELEN 468 Lecture 812 Tell the Differences (a or b) y = a|b; (a or b) #5 y = a|b; (a or b) y = #5 a|b; (a or b) y <= #5 a|b; (a or b) y = a|b; (a or b) #5 y = a|b; (a or b) y = #5 a|b; (a or b) y <= #5 a|b; Event control is blocked Which one describes or gate?
ELEN 468 Lecture 813 Simulation of Assignments For each given time step Evaluate all Right-Hand-Side Execute blocking assignment Execute non-blocking assignment that do not have intra-assignment timing control Execute past non-blocking assignment that is scheduled at this time Execute $monitor. However, $display is executed whenever it is encountered. Increment time step
ELEN 468 Lecture 814 Simulation of Non-blocking Assignment Normally the last assignment at certain simulation time step If it triggers other blocking assignments, it is executed before the blocking assignment it triggers always … begin A <= B; end … always … begin C D; end always … begin A <= B; end … always … begin C D; end
ELEN 468 Lecture 815 Example initial begin a = 1; b = 0; a <= b; b <= a; $display(“a=%b b=%b”, a, b); end initial begin a = 1; b = 0; a <= b; b <= a; $display(“a=%b b=%b”, a, b); end initial begin a = 1; b = 0; a <= b; b <= a; $monitor(“a=%b b=%b”, a, b); end initial begin a = 1; b = 0; a <= b; b <= a; $monitor(“a=%b b=%b”, a, b); end a=1 b=0 a=0 b=1
ELEN 468 Lecture 816 Repeated Intra-assignment Delay regA = repeat ( negedge clk ) regB; begin tmp = ( negedge clk ); regA = tmp; end begin tmp = ( negedge clk ); regA = tmp; end
ELEN 468 Lecture 817 Indeterminate Assignment module multi_assign(); reg a, b, c, d; initial begin #5 a = 1; b = 0; end ( posedge a ) begin c = a; end ( posedge a ) begin c = b; end ( posedge a ) begin d = b; end ( posedge a ) begin d = a; end endmodule module multi_assign(); reg a, b, c, d; initial begin #5 a = 1; b = 0; end ( posedge a ) begin c = a; end ( posedge a ) begin c = b; end ( posedge a ) begin d = b; end ( posedge a ) begin d = a; end endmodule Multiple assignments are made to same variable in different behavior Value depends on code order or vendor specifications Similar to race- conditions in hardware