Insertion rules Group6 陳聿宣 Angel 陳聿宣 Angel 方憶薇 Vivian 方憶薇 Vivian 許純鳳 Amy 許純鳳 Amy 高靖雅 Carol 高靖雅 Carol 林淑華 Pat 林淑華 Pat 蔡佩芬 Joanna 蔡佩芬 Joanna 楊立勤 Maggie 楊立勤 Maggie 黃玉琇 Amanda 黃玉琇 Amanda
What is insertion? There are some natural and rapid connected speech of American English. The sound changes normally governed by some rules. One of these rules is insertion. Insertion: A sound is added or inserted between two adjacent sounds to ease the articulation.
1. Front vowels followed by liquids / l /, / r / are retracted with an offglide schwa inserted.
2. When the ending-s (es –s or s’ ) follows sibilants to form plural nouns, possessive nouns, or third-personal- singular verbs, /I/ is inserted between a sibilant and the ending /z/
3. When ending –ed is preceded by alveolar stops / t, d / to mark a regular tense verb,/I/ is inserted between an alveolar stop and the ending /d/