1 A Performance Study of Grid Workflow Engines Alexandru Iosup and Dick Epema PDS Group Delft University of Technology The Netherlands Corina Stratan Parallel.


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Presentation transcript:

1 A Performance Study of Grid Workflow Engines Alexandru Iosup and Dick Epema PDS Group Delft University of Technology The Netherlands Corina Stratan Parallel and Distributed Systems Group Politehnica University of Bucharest Romania IEEE/ACM Grid 2008, Tsukuba, JP.

2 Why are Grid Workflows Interesting? Grids promise reliable and easy-to-use computational infrastructure for e-Science Full automation from experiment design to final result Often, automation = workflows Jobs comprising inter-related computing and data-transfer tasks

3 Why is the Performance of Real Grid Workflow Engines Interesting? For our users Is this system suitable for its users? Are other systems better? For focusing on the right research problems What are the interesting problems? System configuration? Which workflow characteristics? Other problems… For simulation studies Unrealistic assumptions limit the applicability of results. How scalable are GWFEs? What overheads do they have?

4 Problem: How to Assess the Performance of Grid Workflow Engines? What do we want to assess? Is testing in real environments appropriate? What performance metrics are important? What workflows to use? Our goal is to develop and validate a methodology for assessing GWFEs.

5 Outline 1.Introduction 2.Methodology for Testing GWFEs 3.The Methodology in Practice 4.Conclusion and Future Work

6 2. Methodology for Testing GWFEs What to Assess? Traditional: raw performance metrics 1.Runtime, wait time, etc. In addition, for Grids (failure-prone, complex environments): 2.Overhead What is the cost of using a GWFE? 3.Stability Does the system behave consistently? 4.Scalability Does the system support grid-size workloads? 5.Reliability What is the impact of dynamic resource availability?

7 2. Methodology for Testing GWFEs Is Testing in Real Environments Appropriate? Our approach (novel) Testing complete grid middleware stacks in real grid environments. Alternatives Simulation [Ahmad & Kwok, JPDC’99] Math. Analysis Testing GWFEs in isolation (think unit vs. integration testing)

8 2. Methodology for Testing GWFEs What Performance Metrics are Important? Grid Resource Manager Overheads components: Oi, Oa, Os, Ost, Of Raw performance: Makespan (MS), Speed-Up vs. Single/Infinite Machine, … Stability: internal (MS IQR/Med.), overall (MS Range/Median) Scalability, Reliability [see article]. Grid Workflow Engine Workflow Tasks

9 2. Methodology for Testing GWFEs What Workflows to Use? No accepted workload; no real system traces. Sources: related simulation work, Standard Task Graph Set, our investigation of test workflows from 2 long-term grid traces [CG Symp.’08], our model of grid bags-of-tasks validated with 7 long-term grid traces [HPDC’08]. Number of graph nodes Graph traversal height

10 Outline 1.Introduction 2.Methodology for Testing GWFEs 3.The Methodology in Practice 4.Conclusion and Future Work

11 3. The Methodology in Practice (Selected Results) Experimental Setup Testing complete grid middleware stacks Generic GWFE: a baseline GWFE implementation 15 PCs, 2GB RAM, 1Gbps Ethernet Tools: MonALISA, ServMark = DiPerF + GrenchMark.

12 3. The Methodology in Practice (Selected Results) Overhead: Impact of WL Size and Type Setup: DAGMan, empty jobs, C-4 (left) / many (right). Oi >> Ost = Of. Internal state update very important. S-1, S-3: many often updates lower system throughput.

13 3. The Methodology in Practice (Selected Results) Raw Perf.: Performance vs. Consumption Karajan performs better than DAGMan, but runs quickly out of resources. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KarajanDAGMan

14 3. The Methodology in Practice (Selected Results) Stability: Internal and Overall Stability Setup: DAGMan, 10 independent runs, C-4, 10 WFs. System is: Internally stable Overall not stable Need to react to system dynamics to favor under- served workflows.

15 Outline 1.Introduction 2.Methodology for Testing GWFEs 3.The Methodology in Practice 4.Conclusion and Future Work

16 Conclusion and Future Work Methodology for testing Grid Workflow Engines Goals Metrics Workflows Testing grid middleware stacks, not GWFEs in isolation! Analysis of two much used GWFEs vs. a baseline GWFE Future work Apply method to more middleware stacks, in more environments Design domain-specific workloads and assess the performance impact of the inter-domain differences (do different domains raise different challenges?)

17 Thank you! Questions? Remarks? Observations? Help building our community’s Grid Workloads Archive: Contact: [google “Iosup“] Web site: PDS group articles & software Have (workflow-based) grid traces? Additional References [HPDC’08] A. Iosup, O. Sonmez, S. Anoep, and D.H.J. Epema, The Performance of Bags-Of-Tasks in Large-Scale Distributed Computing Systems, In IEEE HPDC'08, [CG Symp.’08] S. Ostermann, R. Prodan, T. Fahringer, and A. Iosup, On the characteristics of grid workflows, In CoreGRID Symp