A.Karpushov, Mission 410, Jaunt 414, p "H-gas puff experiments on TCV" Réunions scientifiques, 22 novembre 2004 p 414-1: “H-gas puff experiments on TCV” Mission 410: “Effects of plasma shape on tokamak operational space and performance”, Jaunt 414: “Ion transport” Goal: Study of mass dependence of ion transport (diffusion and pinch velocity) in different regimes (OH: I p, ECH: P ECH, L- and H-modes, etc.) for variety of plasma configurations (LIM, DIV, , ) Background and motivation: A physical nature of cross field transport: diffusion, pinch, turbulent transport is still a question of tokamak physics. Hydrogen isotopes and impurities composition profiles are important for fusion reactor. An existing experimental database for mass dependences on ion transport is quite poor. Methods/Strategy: Modulated or pulsed hydrogen or deuterium gas injection in deuterium or hydrogen plasma. Measurement of temporal variations of energy spectrums of neutral fluxes for hydrogen isotopes: J cx H,D (E,t). Reconstruction of temporal behaviour of hydrogen isotope composition radial profiles: n H,D ( ). Calculation of transport parameters (D H,D,V H,D, H,D ) and analysis of their dependences on plasma parameters.
A.Karpushov, Mission 410, Jaunt 414, p "H-gas puff experiments on TCV" Réunions scientifiques, 22 novembre 2004 p 414-1: “H-gas puff experiments on TCV” Experimental sessions in June-September 2004 WWW page: : First observation of H-gas puff in p401-2, (CNPA commissioning) 3 shots (2 useful): The isotope replacement (from D to H) is clearly seen for H-mode discharges with H 2 gas multi-puffing (#26859) Session 1 : H puffs & plasma vertical position (Zo) scan 14(8): Zo: -1,7,14,22,29,33cm, OH, LIM, I p :150, NL:1.4, 95 :1.4 1.3, 95 :0.24 0.20, Q edge :6.5 5, T e SoftX : 800eV, TS: n e : 3.5±0.2, T e : 880±30eV learning of H-puff optimisation (temporal characteristics and amplitude) useful for pseudo-multichord NPA measurement: analysis to be presented by Ch. Schlatter : Edge TS and CXRS measurement of deuterium target 4 (3): T i,T e,n e ( ) profiles measured for modelling of H-puff Session 2,3 : ECH power and Ip scan : model # (7): P ECH :360,540,1080,1500kW : Ti is very low (~300eV) poor CNPA counting statistics. Ip: 220,270,320kA: Ip time constants for H propagation Session 4,5 : Ip and NL scan 10 (5): Ip: 350kA NL: 1.4,2.2,3.4,4.0x10 19 m -2 : CNPA measurement are sensitive to plasma density. negative - 1 shot – required reoptimisation of H-puff Summary: 45 shots, 25 useful
A.Karpushov, Mission 410, Jaunt 414, p "H-gas puff experiments on TCV" Réunions scientifiques, 22 novembre 2004 p 414-1: “H-gas puff experiments on TCV” Results (1) A series of thermal hydrogen injection (duration of ms and period of ms) in background plasma with simultaneous switch-off main deuterium gas injection leads to partial replacement of deuterium ions by hydrogen Plasma current, 150 kA TS n e max : 3.5x10 19 m -3 FIR nl: 1.4x10 19 m -2 TS T e max : 900eV CNPA T i eff : 400eV Safety factor Gas injection, mbar l/sec Hydrogen Deuterium 5 CNPA countrates deuterium, counts/2.5ms CNPA countrates hydrogen, counts/2.5ms
A.Karpushov, Mission 410, Jaunt 414, p "H-gas puff experiments on TCV" Réunions scientifiques, 22 novembre 2004 p 414-1: “H-gas puff experiments on TCV” Results (2) After each H-gas pulse a counting rates of hydrogen relaxes to a high level, this indicates an accumulation of hydrogen in machine. Some increase of initial level of hydrogen flux was also observed during full day (about 25 plasma discharges) from shot to shot, that corresponds to hydrogen accumulation in vacuum vessel (graphite tiles). Response time ( ) of NPA counrates on H-puff increases with increase of plasma density hydrogen injection, mbar l/sec H, 0.64keV H, 1.10keV H, 1.64keV Fitting of CNPA hydrogen countrates (N): Q – “source”, proportional to hydrogen injection rate; – “confinement” (12-80 msec); t – “delay” (<< , msec);
A.Karpushov, Mission 410, Jaunt 414, p "H-gas puff experiments on TCV" Réunions scientifiques, 22 novembre 2004 H-puff p 414-1: “H-gas puff experiments on TCV” Results (3) NPA data analysis “CX spectrum”: – effective NPA ion temperature NPA countrate (N) energy spectrum of atomic flux (J(E)) plasma parameters energy spectrum of atomic flux (J(E)) “CX spectrums” for H o and D o in TCV deuterium discharge Subtraction of interpolated “background” from hydrogen “CX-spectrum” allows to get temporal behavior of NPA “CX-spectrum” and ion temperature of additional hydrogen population created due to H-gas injection. Energy spectra of additional hydrogen population relaxes to background Maxwellian CX-spectra in ms. (Ion-Ion local thermal equilibration time < 1 ms) hydrogen and deuterium interpolated “background” and subtracted additional hydrogen population effective CNPA ion temperature for E [ keV], error bars ~15% detection efficiency attenuation
A.Karpushov, Mission 410, Jaunt 414, p "H-gas puff experiments on TCV" Réunions scientifiques, 22 novembre 2004 p 414-1: “H-gas puff experiments on TCV” Results (4) Reconstruction of radial profile of hydrogen isotope composition energy spectrum of atomic flux (J(E)) -- Modelling: f i (E, ) – Maxwellian, n e, T e ( ) from TS, T i ( ) from CXRS (T i CVI T i H ) Z eff ( )=const n a ( ) from KN1D code (Kinetic Transport Algorithm) A spatial emissivity function (E,z) of deuterium and hydrogen atoms reaching NPA can be calculated for different atom energies from information about neutral, ion end electron density and temperature distributions along NPA view line. LF side HF side DHDH
A.Karpushov, Mission 410, Jaunt 414, p "H-gas puff experiments on TCV" Réunions scientifiques, 22 novembre 2004 p 414-1: “H-gas puff experiments on TCV” Results (4 cont.) Reconstruction of radial profile of hydrogen isotope composition energy spectrum of atomic flux (J(E)) -- A neutral particle flux in first CNPA hydrogen channel (0.65keV) is mainly contributed from =0.75 0.11, a flux in forth channel (2.61keV, well pronounce measurement) corresponds to =0.45 This allows to transform an energy variation of isotope “CX spectrum” ratio F dc H /F dc D (E) to radial variation of isotope ion density ratio R n ( ) – emissivity function
A.Karpushov, Mission 410, Jaunt 414, p "H-gas puff experiments on TCV" Réunions scientifiques, 22 novembre 2004 p 414-1: “H-gas puff experiments on TCV” Results (4 cont.) Reconstruction of radial profile of hydrogen isotope composition radial profiles of hydrogen isotope composition F dc H /(F dc D +F dc H ) ratio Before H 2 -gas injection (T1 time slice) the isotope ratio (~11% of hydrogen) have homogeneous radial distribution in 0.45≤ ≤0.75. After opening of H 2 gas valve during 15-20ms n H /(n H +n D ) ratio evaluates from hollow radial profile to flat profile (T2 and T3 time slices). Later, profile becomes peaked; a hydrogen “accumulation” in internal regions is detectable.
A.Karpushov, Mission 410, Jaunt 414, p "H-gas puff experiments on TCV" Réunions scientifiques, 22 novembre 2004 radial profiles of hydrogen isotope composition p 414-1: “H-gas puff experiments on TCV” Results (4 cont.) V I Afanasyev, A Gondhalekar, and A I Kislyakov, “On the Possibility of Determining the Radial Profile of Hydrogen Isotope Composition of JET Plasmas, and of Deducing Radial Transport of the Isotope Ions”, JET report JET–R(00)04 (Oct. 2000) TCV result is contradictory to the observation of deuterium transport in hydrogen plasma observed on JET with short pulses of D 2 gas injection (JET discharge #43446), where the n D /n H ratio was hollow during and after gas injection. Such behavior of radial profile of hydrogen isotope ratio probably can be explained by dependence on mass pinch velocities and ion diffusion coefficients.
A.Karpushov, Mission 410, Jaunt 414, p "H-gas puff experiments on TCV" Réunions scientifiques, 22 novembre 2004 p 414-1: “H-gas puff experiments on TCV” Summary 1.CNPA was successfully tested as tool to measure hydrogen isotope composition. 2.A recovery algorithm of hydrogen isotope ratio radial profile from NPA measurement was developed and tested for TCV. 3.A density profiles can be recovered in the region 0.4≤ ≤0.8. A plasma centre can not be resoled due to low NPA counting rates at high energies (>2-3keV); high is limited by a low energy limit of NPA (Ti( =1)~30eV). 4.From given analysis we learn, that we need to optimise conditions of experiment for realizing an experimental program. Plans 1.Repeat experiments with D-gas puff in hydrogen plasma (OH, L-mode, LIM) 1session 2.Installation of DOUBLE code (Ioffe PTI) and adaptation for TCV: Code calculates radial distribution of neutrals in plasma and simulates charge-exchange flux generated by thermal part of multi-component hydrogen plasma. 3.Development of procedure to get transport coefficients from recovered radial profile of hydrogen isotope composition. 4.Modification of CNPA: increase energy range additional point(s) at <0.4