Max-Planck-Institute for Physics Werner-Heisenberg-Institut Munich André H. Hoang 6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov 27 - 29, 2009 Soft-Collinear-Effective.


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Presentation transcript:

Max-Planck-Institute for Physics Werner-Heisenberg-Institut Munich André H. Hoang 6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Soft-Collinear-Effective Theory and Jets at Colliders

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Outline Jets physics and precision QCD Theoretical tools Soft–Collinear–Effective–Theory (SCET) Overview of achievements Isolated Drell-Yan Top mass from invariant reconstruction Conclusion André H. Hoang

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 LHC runs! André H. Hoang

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Jet Physics Understanding of jets is essential in the search for the Higgs boson and for new physics at the LHC André H. Hoang Not this kind of jets!

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Jet Physics Understanding of jets is essential in the search for the Higgs boson and for new physics at the LHC André H. Hoang Jet: cluster of energetic hadrons leaving tracks xxx and energy deposits in the detectors.

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Jet Physics Understanding of jets is essential in the search for the Higgs boson and for new physics at the LHC André H. Hoang QCD machinery

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Jet Physics Our level of understanding of jets at the conceptual level is reflected in our ability to do precision measurements of SM parameters: André H. Hoang

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Jet Physics Our level of understanding of jets at the conceptual level is reflected in our ability to describe standard processes: ALEPH, DELPHI, L3, OPAL, SLD André H. Hoang

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Theoretical Tools André H. Hoang

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Theoretical Tools André H. Hoang QCD Factorization: Collins, Soper,Sterman; Bodwin e.g. Drell-Yan inclusive production nonperturbative parton distributions (process independent) perturbative short-distance cross section (process dependent)

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Theoretical Tools André H. Hoang QCD Factorization: Collins, Soper,Sterman; Bodwin e.g. Drell-Yan inclusive production near threshold Sterman; Catani, Trentadue

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Theoretical Tools André H. Hoang QCD Factorization: Collins, Soper,Sterman; Bodwin e.g. Drell-Yan inclusive production near threshold Sterman; Catani, Trentadue not directly measurable (selection cuts, beam remnant) very few events size of power corrections

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Theoretical Tools André H. Hoang Monte Carlo Event Generators: Universal tool to describe/predict experimental distributions and rates depending on e.g. selection cuts. parton shower LL(+NLO) perturbative non- perturbative

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Theoretical Tools André H. Hoang Monte Carlo Event Generators: Universal tool to describe/predict experimental distributions and rates depending on e.g. selection cuts. parton shower LL(+NLO) perturbative relies on LL (partly NLO) parton shower approximation shower cut represents an infrared regularization (factorization) scheme that is yet unspecified non- perturbative

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Monte Carlo Generators Strong coupling from event shapes: Almost all measurements from event shapes use the MC hadronization models to determine hadronization corrections to multiloop partonic computations. Herwig 6.2 Pythia 6.1 parton-level prediction hadron-level prediction Q = 35 GeV (JADE) Dissertori, et al. Becher, Schwartz André H. Hoang

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Monte Carlo Generators Top mass measurements: p p t t - W W b b - jet Invariant mass reconstruction: scheme dependent André H. Hoang

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Monte Carlo Generators Top mass measurements: p p t t - W W b b - jet Invariant mass reconstruction: André H. Hoang

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Soft-Collinear-Effective Theory André H. Hoang Doing jet physics using the concept of mode and scale separation at the Lagrangian and operator level More transparent access to jet physics problems. SCET is an alternative approach to jet physics. Feynman rules systematic power counting New proofs of factorization for processes not yet considered in the classic jet approach. Easier (and field theoretic) access to power corrections and subleading twist terms. IR-log resummation (soft+collinear) through renormalization. Precision QCD at the LHC.

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Soft-Collinear-Effective Theory André H. Hoang Bauer, Fleming, Pirjol, Stewart First developed for single jet problems in B-physics. Light-cone coordinates: jet invariant mass

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Soft-Collinear-Effective Theory André H. Hoang jet invariant mass Bauer, Fleming, Pirjol, Stewart First developed for single jet problems in B-physics Separation of modes:

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Soft-Collinear-Effective Theory André H. Hoang

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Soft-Collinear-Effective Theory André H. Hoang Lagrangian: similar to QCD Lagrangian Collinear Lagrangian: small large Bauer, Fleming, Pirjol, Stewart

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Soft-Collinear-Effective Theory André H. Hoang Currents: jet field n-collinear Wilson line Jet fields are gauge invariant under collinear gauge transformations.

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Soft-Collinear-Effective Theory André H. Hoang Factorization: Soft field redefinition: soft-collinear decoupling

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Soft-Collinear-Effective Theory André H. Hoang Factorization: Soft field redefinition: soft-collinear decoupling soft-collinear decoupling at the operator level

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Soft-Collinear-Effective Theory André H. Hoang Factorization: Soft field redefinition: soft-collinear decoupling soft-collinear decoupling at the operator level applies to any number of final state jets can be generalized to initial state jets (SCET-II)

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 SCET: Conceptual Work André H. Hoang Subleading Power: Bauer, Fleming, Pirjol, Stewart Bauer, Stewart Bauer, Pirjol, Stewart Bauer, Pirjol, Stewart Pirjol, Stewart Beneke, Feldmann Beneke, Chapovsky, etal Chay, Kim SCET with mass: Leibovich, Ligeti, Wise Boos, Feldmann, Mannel bin subtraction: Manohar, Stewart Idilbi, Mehen Glauber gluons: Liu, Ma Idilbi, Majumder Renormalons: Hoang, Stewart All order infrared structure: Becher, Neubert Becher, Neubert Feroglia, Neubert, etal Feroglia, Neubert, etal k factorization: Chay T Nandi, Li Parton shower: Bauer, Schwartz Bauer, Tackmann, Thaler Bauer, Tackmann Chiu, Fuhrer, Hoang etal

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 SCET: Collider Applications André H. Hoang Manohar Chay, Kim Chen, Idilbi, Ji Becher, Neubert, Pejak Chay, Kim Bauer, Lee, Manohar, etal Schwartz Zu, Sheng, etal Ahrens, Becher, etal Chiu, Kelley, Manohar Leibovich, Liu Idilbi, Ji Becher, Neubert, Xu Stewart, Tackmann, etal Hoang, Stewart Bauer, Fleming,Lee etal Becher, Schwartz Hoang, Kluth Hornig, Lee, Ovanesyan Idilbi, Ji, Ma, Yuan Mantry, Petriello Chiu, Kelley, Manohar Chiu, Kelley, Manohar Chiu, Fuehrer, etal Fleming, Leibovich,etal Bauer, Lange Becher, Schwartz Fleming, Hoang, etal Fleming, Hoang, etal Jain, Scimemi, Stewart

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Isolated Drell-Yan André H. Hoang Stewart, Tackmann, Waalewijn Drell-Yan with central jet veto. Beam thrust: event-shape-like and suitable for analytic computations contribution of unmeasured beam remnant negligible cut on vetoes high p jets T beam functions factorization for related to initial state parton shower PDF

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Top Reconstruction and Event Shapes. Possibility to define reconstruction prescription such that non- perturbative effects can be extracted from event shapes. Fleming, Mantry, Stewart, AHH André H. Hoang

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Top Reconstruction and Event Shapes. Invariant mass distribution Jet mass, thrust distribution for thrust, jet masses André H. Hoang

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Top Reconstruction and Event Shapes. Fleming, Mantry, Stewart, AHH Top Quark Light quarks universal ! André H. Hoang

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Top Reconstruction and Event Shapes. Fleming, Mantry, Stewart, AHH Top Quark Light quarks universal ! André H. Hoang

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Invariant Mass Peak and Top Mass Fleming, Mantry, Stewart, AHH best mass scheme: jet mass first moment of the soft function André H. Hoang

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , Abbate, Fickinger, Mateu, Stewart, AHH preliminary 488 bins NNNLL’ NNNLL NNLL’ NNLL NLL’ André H. Hoang

6th Vienna Central European Seminar, Nov , 2009 Conclusions Approach to jet physics and high energy scattering processes using effective field theory. Alternative and compatible approach to classic jet physics. Modularity: SCET can be combined with HQET, NRQCD, Chiral Initiates novel applications (conceptual & computational). Aim: Precision QCD Physics at LHC Soft-Collinear-Effective-Theory: Stay tuned! André H. Hoang