Phare SL Implementation of Technical Regulations on Company Level In-company Consulting Activities Experts: Ekkehard Redlhammer, Ramsauer & Stürmer Consulting Eva Sainitzer Austrian Standards Institute Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ljubljana
Phare SL Analysis of status-quo of implementation of EC technical regulations at company level and comparison with required level to be reached Determination of external assistance necessary (consultants, conformity assessment bodies, notified bodies, costs) Determination of applicable EC-Directives and standards related to the products of the company In-company Consulting Service menu 1
Phare SL Practical assistance on how to prepare a technical file (workshop, company-related advice and monitoring) Determination of relevant modules for conformity assessment Information and cost estimation regarding the involvement of notified bodies Other subjects of interest: ISO 9000, ISO 14000, export assistance, investment In-company Consulting Service menu 2
Phare SL Advice Practical Workshops Coaching Monitoring of progress In-company Consulting Types of services
Phare SL Examples for standard packages light A Consultancy Service light A medium B Consultancy Service medium B extended C Consultancy Service extended C advanced D Consultancy Service advanced D In-company Consulting DeliverablesDeliverables
Phare SL In-company consulting - Why? Who should apply? Contents of in-company consulting services Output and benefits for the company Costs of in-company consulting services In-company Consulting
Phare SL Who should apply? Companies which have not yet or just started implementation of EC technical regulations Companies which require „start-up“ assistance In-company Consulting Consultancy service light A
Phare SL In-company Consulting Consultancy service light A Contents Initial consulting –situtation analysis regarding implementation of TR and comparison with required level –determination of external assistance needed Practical workshop: How to elaborate a technical file? Implementation advice – product-related preparation of technical files –„to-do-list“ - determination of further confonformity assessment activities
Phare SL In-company Consulting Consultancy service light A Output and benefits for companies Determination of necessary implementation activities Guidelines for the implementation process Know-how on how to compile technical files and ability to apply this knowledge on the products of the company
Phare SL Costs cost sharing (1/3 EU Phare, 1/3 Ministry of Economic Affairs Republic of Slovenia, 1/3 company) total value (honoraria, flights, allowances): approx. EUR 7800 company share: approx. EUR 2500 In-company Consulting Consultancy service light A
Phare SL Who should apply? Companies which have not yet or just started implementation of EC technical regulations Companies which require assistance and coaching towards EU conformity of their products In-company Consulting Consultancy service medium B
Phare SL In-company Consulting Consultancy service medium B Contents Initial consulting –situtation analysis regarding implementation of TR and comparison with required level –determination of external assistance needed Practical workshop: How to elaborate a technical file? Implementation advice, coaching and progress monitoring – product-related preparation of technical files –determination and implementation of conformity assessment activities
Phare SL In-company Consulting Consultancy service medium B Output and benefits for companies Determination of necessary implementation activities Know-how on how to compile technical files and ability to apply this knowledge on the products of the company Conformity assessment structures implemented for the products of the company
Phare SL In-company Consulting Consultancy service medium B Costs cost sharing (1/3 EU Phare, 1/3 Ministry of Economic Affairs Republic of Slovenia, 1/3 company) total value (honoraria, flights, allowances): approx. EUR company share: approx. EUR 4500
Phare SL Who should apply? Companies which have not yet or just started implementation of EC technical regulations Companies which require assistance towards EU conformity In-company Consulting Consultancy service extended C Companies which have many product groups and/or Companies which in addition require special services
Phare SL In-company Consulting Consultancy service extended C Contents Initial consulting –situtation analysis regarding implementation of TR and comparison with required level, external assistance needed –determination of relevant EC Directives and standards Practical workshop: How to elaborate a technical file? Implementation advice, coaching and progress monitoring – product-related preparation of technical files –determination and implementation of conformity assessment activities –coaching on specific subjects of interest (ISO 14000, export etc.) and/ or
Phare SL In-company Consulting Consultancy service extended C Output and benefits for companies Determination of necessary implementation activities Know-how on how to compile technical files and ability to apply this knowledge on the products of the company Conformity assessment structures for the products of the company Know-how on specific items of interest
Phare SL In-company Consulting Consultancy service extended C Costs cost sharing (1/3 EU Phare, 1/3 Ministry of Economic Affairs Republic of Slovenia, 1/3 company) total value (honoraria, flights, allowances): approx. EUR company share: approx. EUR 6500
Phare SL Who should apply? Companies which are at an advanced stage in the implementation of EC technical regulations and have therefore specific problems to be solved In-company Consulting Consultancy service advanced D
Phare SL In-company Consulting Consultancy service advanced D Contents and benefits for companies Analysis of status-quo of implementation and identification of problem areas Problem-related advice, coaching and monitoring with respect to eg: –technical files, standards, modules, notified bodies etc. –other areas of interest as ISO 14000, investment etc. èspecific problems solved èconformity assessment structures in place
Phare SL In-company Consulting Consultancy service advanced D Costs cost sharing (1/3 EU Phare, 1/3 Ministry of Economic Affairs Republic of Slovenia, 1/3 company) cost example - real costs depend on amount of consultancy needed total value (honoraria, flights, allowances): approx. EUR 8000 company share: approx. EUR 2700
Phare SL If you are interested please contact for further information members of the ITR team during this seminar ITR Office (Ms D. Giacomelli) C/O Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije Tel: 061/ Fax: 061/ In-company Consulting