RURALJOBS - Task 2.2 New Sources of Employment to Promote the Wealth-Generating Capacity of Rural Communities RURALJOBS - Task 2.2 New Sources of Employment to Promote the Wealth-Generating Capacity of Rural Communities Examples from Europe of good practices in stimulating rural employment Pierre P AQUIET Debrecen - September 10 th Regional Council of Limousin Delegation for Surveys, Territorial Foresight and Evaluation
RURALJOBS - Task 2.2 New Sources of Employment to Promote the Wealth-Generating Capacity of Rural Communities Different types of good practices Methods for local development strategy design (SOR analysis, territorial diagnosis …) Tools for Entrepreneurship enhancement and local development (Resources centres, e-learning, practical- guide on policies for attracting newcomers …) Public/private -local authorities, entrepreneurs, farmers, experts- partnerships (Tools to implement renewable energy projects, employers association for new jobs …) Review and assessment of national and EU-funded research and dissemination projects Pierre P AQUIET, Clovis S ABAU - Debrecen - September 10 th. 2008
RURALJOBS - Task 2.2 New Sources of Employment to Promote the Wealth-Generating Capacity of Rural Communities A tool to build a local development strategy : Strategic Orientation Round for the development of regional products based tourism (COTOUR - INTERREG European programme) A working group (Region’s and regional business representatives have conducted the different steps of the SOR analysis : SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats) analysis Identification on the main stakes Scoring of priority issues Identification of priority strategic orientations, priority operational objectives and priority actions. Review and assessment of national and EU-funded research and dissemination projects Pierre P AQUIET - Debrecen - September 10 th. 2008
RURALJOBS - Task 2.2 New Sources of Employment to Promote the Wealth-Generating Capacity of Rural Communities A tool to build a local development strategy : Strategic Orientation Round for the development of regional products based tourism Strategic orientation 1 : Identify regional supply Strategic orientation 2 : Create the conditions for better marketing Strategic orientation 3 : Promote a dynamic of innovation Review and assessment of national and EU-funded research and dissemination projects Pierre P AQUIET - Debrecen - September 10 th. 2008
RURALJOBS - Task 2.2 New Sources of Employment to Promote the Wealth-Generating Capacity of Rural Communities A tool to build a local development strategy : Strategic Orientation Round for the development of regional products based tourism Strategic orientation 1 : Identify regional supply Operational objective : Develop a system for analysing supply and demand Resource Centre Operational objective : Assist the private sector in elaborating tourist products Local working groups and/or call for project tender Operational objective : Identify 5 regional priority productions Opportunity Study Review and assessment of national and EU-funded research and dissemination projects Pierre P AQUIET - Debrecen - September 10 th. 2008
RURALJOBS - Task 2.2 New Sources of Employment to Promote the Wealth-Generating Capacity of Rural Communities A tool to build a local development strategy : Strategic Orientation Round for the development of regional products based tourism Strategic orientation 1 : Identify regional supply Operational objective : Develop a system for analysing supply and demand Resource Centre Operational objective : Assist the private sector in elaborating tourist products Local working groups and/or call for project tender Operational objective : Identify 5 regional priority productions Opportunity Study Strategic orientation 2 : Create the conditions for better marketing Operational objective : Finalise a “Product of Limousin” brand Initiate a partnership procedure to define a brand Operational objective : Encourage professionals to develop their marketing and promotion system (particularly via the Internet) Define a marketing development programme Strategic orientation 3 : Promote a dynamic of innovation Operational objective: Assist professionals in developing their capacity and tools in order to understand how markets operate and penetrate them Regional working group to define a “toolbox” (conferences, consultancy assistance…) Operational objective : Encourage creativity in products and marketing methods Competition for the best ideas and actions Operational objective : Build a regional training programme for professionals Regional working group for the design of the training programme Review and assessment of national and EU-funded research and dissemination projects Pierre P AQUIET - Debrecen - September 10 th. 2008
RURALJOBS - Task 2.2 New Sources of Employment to Promote the Wealth-Generating Capacity of Rural Communities A Tool for Entrepreneurship enhancement : the Competence Centre of Kolymvari (Greece ) (SIMOCA - INTERREG European programme) The main objective of the Competence Centre is to provide technical support and inform farmers, consumers and policy makers of the wider area of the Municipality of Kolymvari on issues related to competitive agriculture and more specifically, to organic agriculture Other objectives of the Competence Centre are to: Encourage the conversion to organic farming Spread trial results among farmers Foster the agricultural producers towards the production of local products Develop and use an innovative informative system (eg GIS to transform complex data into easily understandable maps) Enable the creation of an eco-zone in Kolymvari consisting of organic farmers Review and assessment of national and EU-funded research and dissemination projects Pierre P AQUIET - Debrecen - September 10 th. 2008
RURALJOBS - Task 2.2 New Sources of Employment to Promote the Wealth-Generating Capacity of Rural Communities A Tool for Entrepreneurship enhancement and local development : the competence centre of Kolymvari (Greece) Enhance/expand the communication of farmers with all administrative bodies as well as with those involved in the processing, promotion and marketing of organic products Initiate the vertical integration of organic farmers, processors, and marketing enterprises along the supply chain Enhance planning and management capabilities of farmers and all stakeholders in general Develop the marketing of regional products Facilitate the communication of the organic farmers of the area with those involved in the tourism sector Instigate the marketing and promotion of organic products through the development of alternative forms of tourism such as agrotourism in the area Review and assessment of national and EU-funded research and dissemination projects Pierre P AQUIET - Debrecen - September 10 th. 2008
RURALJOBS - Task 2.2 New Sources of Employment to Promote the Wealth-Generating Capacity of Rural Communities Public/private partnership : the employers association for insertion and skill (France) Objective : generate full time jobs to part-time, seasonal or low skill people Context : some employers in the agro-farming sector (cattle/poultry farms, horticulture, market gardening …) need people frequently for specific periods some people have part-time or seasonal jobs and want to get stable jobs, others are in training process Review and assessment of national and EU-funded research and dissemination projects Pierre P AQUIET - Debrecen - September 10 th. 2008
RURALJOBS - Task 2.2 New Sources of Employment to Promote the Wealth-Generating Capacity of Rural Communities Public/private partnership : the employers association for insertion and skill (France) Organisation : This association of 36 employers employs people : -Some are under training and share their time between work and training periods (20) -Other share their work time between various employers, depending of the employers needs 107 associations in France, gathering employers Review and assessment of national and EU-funded research and dissemination projects Pierre P AQUIET - Debrecen - September 10 th. 2008
RURALJOBS - Task 2.2 New Sources of Employment to Promote the Wealth-Generating Capacity of Rural Communities Thank you for your attention