Energy Systems – fall 2004 How is energy created and harvested, stored and transformed, used and abused? We need Physics to understand Energy, and Calculus to understand Physics Seminar will motivate our science learning Program information is online at energy0405/home.htm Introductions and outline Dr. E.J. Zita, Lab II Rm 2272, , Mon.27.Sept.04, Fall week 1
Outline Introductions – people and program Texts and syllabus Jigsaw learning, break Discuss Jigsaw sections, break Intro to CAL, detailed webpage tour Online surveys Seminar tonight Class tomorrow Looking ahead
Introductions Brief tour of program and webpages Introduce TAs Night Song and Emily Himmelright –Tutor hours Wed afternoon? –workstudy assistant from class? Student roll + introductions: fill out small sheets, talk with two classmates, 5 min. each (Photos) Faculty intro Brief student intros: 1. Name, 2. special Energy interest 3. one sentence about you personally More in-depth intros online Thursday
Texts and Syllabus Who has Earth + Energy texts today? Bring your text to every class Syllabus – handouts, and updates online energy0405/syll.htm Read assignments before class Today’s readings in class: Earth Ch.1 and Energy Ch.1
Jigsaw learning: Energy + Earth Interactive learning > lecture How many sections for today’s reading? Count off for teams 30 min. read, 15 min. discuss, 15 min. break After an hour, each team report with a 3- minute summary Discussion, questions, insights
CAL webpage tour Introduction to the Computer Applications Laboratory (CAL) Bookmark Energy homepage We’ll discuss research projects tomorrow Class blog? Click on links on Schedule for assignment details and posting locations We’ll learn WebX on Thus. Online surveys with InQsit Covenant and attached documents
Online surveys Introduction to InQsit take InSurvey today take EnergySurvey by Wednesday print out WebSurvey today, do it by Friday Printing: to save paper, –Print Preview first –Choose only the pages you need –Print double-sided
Class tomorrow We’ll discuss debates tomorrow, so print out debate page now if you like Fill out topic survey today – get handout Bring little Alternative Energy text tomorrow, read it tonight
Looking ahead Calculus eTools: please register using the code in your text, and browse the online resources One-page essays due each Friday, including this week (on WebX). Write in Word first. We’ll learn WebX in Thursday workshop at 5:00 in GCC Teams: homework, research, pre-seminar
Seminar tonight Seminar is the at heart of the Energy program, motivating our science learning Mon. and Thus. 5:00-6:30 in Sem 2, C1105 No readings due in advance this week Starting next week (this weekend), finish readings in advance, meet teams the day before, and post assignments on WebX We’ll discuss assignment details Thus. pm Students just in Sci.Sem. write two essays per week, Energy students just write one
First Seminar Intro faculty + program, roll call Brief student intros: name + special interest Syllabus: handout + online Assignments: click on schedule for details WebX handout: workshop Thus. 5:00 in GCC No reading or WebX assignments due in advance this week – then 1-page paper before each sem. Starting next week, teams do preseminar assignments – bring your text to every seminar Teams will facilitate – that means guide discussion to help classmates find their voice.
First Seminar, cont’d Who’s been in Seminar before? What works? Class agree on seminar guidelines What if someone talks too much? How to help quiet peers find their voice? Who has today’s reading? (a few handouts) Count off into groups 30 min. reading, 15 min. small group discussion, break (photos) Generate points, insights, questions for big group Teams report key PIQ, big group discussion Come to GCC Thursday
Workstudy assistant Hook up computer + projector before class Organize resources Keep homeroom neat (recruit classmates) Help setup workshop equipment Post information online, e.g. put class- generated seminar guidelines on WebX Other…