Welcome Parents Room 3-27 Miss Summer and Miss Beatrice
Welcome to Open House! 0 Please make a card/letter for your child that they can enjoy Monday morning! 0 Use the materials in their Pencil Bags! 0 Please NO presents!!!
Who is Miss Summer? 0 First year at ASFG. 0 Sixth year as a teacher. 0 Taught in Arizona and Florida in Grades 3, 4, 5 and 8. 0 Bachelors Degree from Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida. 0 Spanish Language Learner! Help me practice!
Class Website!!!!! 0 Weekly Newsletter 0 Spelling Words 0 Vocabulary 0 Teacher . 0 Academic Practice Links 0 Special Instructions for homework (if needed) 0 Instructions for any projects!
Parent Conferences Conferences can be scheduled via or through Ms. Monica in the office! My This can also be found under Classroom Connections from the main ASFG site.
Activities Schedule Day 1: Library Day 2: P.E Day 3: Music & Computers Day 4: Science Lab Day 5: P.E (until pool is repaired) Day 6: Art (12:30-1:15) Important : Children not swimming will need a note from their parent.
Discipline Bullying is absolutely NOT TOLERATED !! Classroom Rules and Values Behavior Cards ZAP tracking Parents must sign: Teacher Referrals Office Referrals
Classroom Constitution I. Embrace our classroom values: Be Caring Be Respectful Be Trustworthy Be Responsible Be a Family II. Stay in our own space. III. Help each other. IV. Have a positive attitude and do our best. V. Have some fun.
Homework (English) 0 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 0 Three days to turn in missing assignments (10% off each day) 0 POLICY: minutes each night (including reading time as per ASFG standards)
Math 0 Math homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday and some Fridays. 0 Review packets will be sent home before tests. 0 Help in anyway you can at home! 0 Graded on effort! ( homework)
Science and Social Studies 0 Project based 0 Animals, Energy, and Space 0 Mostly class work and interaction with students 0 Collaboration with Mr. Nacho 0 Promotes community and global awareness 0 Physical and Social
Writing 0 Grammar 0 Writing Genres 0 Sentence Structure 0 Rubrics 0 Handwriting
Miss Summer’s Extra Time 0 What’s it for? (extra help or enrichment) 0 When? (Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:30-8:00am) 0 Who can come? (any third grader) 0 What if those times aren’t good for my child? (there is a 3 rd grade teacher available in the AM and PM every day, except Friday PM)
Grading 1. Homework 2. Class work 3. Projects 4. Assignments 5. Tests 6. Quizzes 7. Lab work 8. Hands-on activities 9. Class participation
Grading 0 Tests CAN be retaken with a maximum score of 90% 0 Must be retaken at school in *most cases. 0 It is best students come BEFORE school (7:30am-8:00am). 0 On *some occasions, tests will be retaken during school hours.
Take Home Folder 0 Goes home with GRADED work inside 0 Graded work either stays home OR is signed and returned. 0 Please go through each document to see what must be returned! 0 Folder returns to school empty!
Room Mom Team!
Thank You for Coming!!!