Construction and Demolition Debris Summit on January 25, 2008 “The route to Zero Waste” About Gypsum Recycling International Mass. operations update Market outlook and barriers for expansion
About Gypsum Recycling International A/S Worldwide the leading recycler of gypsum-/wallboard waste collected in the market The preferred partner for recycled gypsum materials for the wallboard industry worldwide Active in 10 countries on 3 continents 100% growth p.a. the last 5 years; the 10’th fastest growing company in Denmark during the last 4 years Recycling units in Europe, North America and Asia Only focussed on gypsum/wallboard waste Winner of “Cleantech Award” sponsored by the Danish Venture Fund and by an internal panel of judges evaluated to be: “the most promising Danish Cleantech company” “Environmental Gazelle of 2007”, according to Borsen the leading Danish newspaper
About Gypsum Recycling International A/S 2005 - UK 2005 – USA 2006 – Belgium 2007 - Japan 2007 - Switzerland 2001 – Denmark 2003 – Sweden 2003 – Norway 2004 – Holland 2005 - Ireland In total 10 countries – on 3 continents = far more than anybody else
About GRI: This is how the system works
About GRI: This is how the system works The waste does not have to be “clinically clean” – up to 2% contamination New construction waste Demolition and renovation waste (normally accepted) Acceptable: - Gypsum waste based on FGD/DSG or natural gypsum raw materials - Virgin gypsum board cut-offs - Gypsum board underlayers/dunnage - Gypsum blocks - Complete boards or broken parts - Gypsum ceilings, floors, walls, stucco etc. - The gypsum waste may contain nails and screws - Wallpaper, glass tissue and other wall coverings on the gypsum boards Non-acceptable: - Plastics, foils and insulation materials (glass wool/stone wool/Rockwool) - Steel rails and bars - Wood - Anhydrite - Other impurities
About GRI: The route to Zero Waste Worldwide 10 million tons of wallboard waste are presently landfilled causing environmental and political difficulties These 10 million tons might as well be used in an beneficial manner instead of wasted ! Recycling is the only solution that keeps the waste out of the landfills and preserve natural resources at the same time – Zero Waste Recycling will limit the amount of greenhouse gasses created (landfills are among the most important contributors to global warming) All mega-trends are with recycling – and against landfilling. The landfill alternative is in trouble on a worldwide scale !! We send nothing to landfill in our operations; all materials received are reused one way or the other; recycled gypsum for wallboard production, paper for composting and metals for recycling – Zero Waste
About GRI: In cooperation with the best GRI serves all the top wallboard manufacturers in the world. In the US we are proud to cooperate with the two biggest manufacturers, for the supply of recycled gypsum. In New England we deliver to USG: Charlestown National: Portsmouth, NH US Gypsum National Gypsum
Update on Mass. operations = Gypsum Recycling America Started visiting Mass in 2004 In 2004/05 contracts with the US manufacturers were made End of 2005 Boston warehouse was established and permitted; Fawcett Street 135, Cambridge; 5-8 miles to Boston downtown close to interstate highway system Slowly opened for business end of 2006 Machine finally delivered summer of 2007 Full speed ahead since end of 2007 Organizational set up: John Fitzgerald, Regional Manager Patrick Manning, Sales manager
Update on Mass. operations – offer to customers Enviromental friendly recycling of their materials – Zero wasted Cheaper than landfill disposal Collection service – 30 cubic yards containers with top lids to keep materials dry Fixed price per dumpster (app. 500$ per conntainer). This is an ”all in price”; no fuel, environment or other fees added on top, and there is no limit on the tonnage. Gate delivery to our warehouse also possible at 14 $ per cubic yard. Customers include: General contractors, construction companies, pre-fab housing manufacturers and drywall hangers Transfer stations, recyclers/processors, waste haulers, waste management companies, landfills and potentially municipalities Both from Mass. and from other states !
Market outlook and barriers for expansion in Mass. Generally good reception Increasing interest LEED Customers outside Mass. Despite lack of recycling cul-ture, the quality of the received waste is generally good Next: more warehouses in Mass (Springfield and Worcester) and opening of warehouses outside Mass. Barriers for expansion Only new construction waste initially allowed (only GRI site with this limitation) Limited support from regulations/policies; => high reliance on market mechanisms No required source segregation No special regulations on how to handle gypsum waste in landfills No landfill tax Limited municipal recycling centers infrastructure No ban on out of state export of waste No requirements for recycling of waste or use of recycled materials when public authorities are awarding contracts Limited initiatives to limit global warming / the creation of greenhouse gasses in landfills by making landfilling more and more unattractive. Landfills are responsible for 7% of the greenhouse gasses created in the US !!
Thank you for your attention Henrik Lund-Nielsen