SEACOOS Fall Workshop, Nov 2004 SEACOOS Strategic and Implementation Plans
SEACOOS Fall Workshop, Nov 2004 Workshop WG Objectives Draft WG-level Implementation Plans Develop WG Exec Summary for External Evaluation Draft Year 4 Work statements
SEACOOS Fall Workshop, Nov 2004 SEA-COOS Over-Arching Goal To significantly increase the quantity and quality of environmental information from the coastal ocean of the SE U.S. and facilitate its use in a wide range of societal, scientific, and educational applications
SEACOOS Fall Workshop, Nov 2004 Strategic Plan Objectives: Deploy, operate and evaluate in situ measurement and remote sensing systems; Evaluate emerging observational technologies in field operations; Develop, implement, and evaluate numerical modeling systems for research and operational forecasting applications; Generate and distribute information products in near real-time that combine observational data and model output and are based on up-to-date oceanographic knowledge; Develop a regional information management system to access, distribute and archive data, metadata, and visualization products, and to ensure data formats and delivery systems are coordinated, interoperable, and compliant with national systems and standards;
SEACOOS Fall Workshop, Nov 2004 Strategic Plan Objectives (cont): Coordinate with governmental agencies and the private and public sectors to enhance the development and efficiency of the observing system and to expand the economic opportunities that it provides; Promote the use of coastal information by decision-makers, educators and the general public through outreach and education activities. Also defines the four working groups, views on products and product development, and governance.
SEACOOS Fall Workshop, Nov 2004 Implementation Plan – big picture setting
SEACOOS Fall Workshop, Nov 2004 Organizational Observing Information Management Modeling Extension & Education Thematic climate variability marine operations national security sustainable resources marine ecosystems natural hazards public health Structures – from OceanUS ?? List of 50+ variables?
SEACOOS Fall Workshop, Nov 2004 Organizational Observing Information Management Modeling Extension & Education Thematic climate variability marine operations national security sustainable resources marine ecosystems natural hazards public health Structures Process Components Physical state Biogeochem & ecosystem Socio-economic
SEACOOS Fall Workshop, Nov 2004 Why introduce components? Provides unifying themes for most variables of interest Adequacy can/should be tested for targeted applications (CODAE)
SEACOOS Fall Workshop, Nov 2004 Phase I Applications 1.Circ. fields and drifter trajectories for S&R, spill response; nowcasts and forecasts of pollutant dispersal, HABs, etc. Identified users: Coast Guard, State and Federal emergency managers, NOAA HAZMAT, NWS Weather forecast offices 2. Fisheries oceanography – emphasize particle trajectories to assess regional “connectivity” and fisheries recruitment. Identified users: Southeast Fisheries Science Center, South Atlantic Fisheries Management Council, Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Florida Marine Resources Institute, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Beaufort Marine Laboratory.
SEACOOS Fall Workshop, Nov 2004 Applications Search and Rescue, spill response, HABs Fisheries Storm surge Rips and sediment transport User-groups USCG, NOAA HAZMAT SAFMC, xNMS, FMRI, SC DNR, etc NWS WFOs, state EM State CZM, NWS WFOs Variables Currents, winds, water temp, waves Salinity, species and abundance, etc. Water levels, Inundation maps Directional waves, sediment concentration Phase I Phase II
SEACOOS Fall Workshop, Nov 2004 Physical state estimation – obs. and pred. of: Ocean circulation – sea level, currents, temp and sal, BCs (wind, heat flux, fresh water flux, etc). Marine atmosphere - winds, air temp, humidity, rainfall, short- and long-wave radiation, visibility Surface waves - directional wave spectra, winds, currents, bathymetry Optics… IMPORTANT: also provides critical information on ecosystem components
SEACOOS Fall Workshop, Nov 2004 Other Topics Design – driven by geography, oceanography, history, needs Roles – of provider sectors, in development stages Development process – attempts to define a generic approach (inventory, aggregation, evaluation, etc) Prioritization – rationale/philosophy behind selection of initial efforts Timeline – would like a chart (Gantt?) of development targets
SEACOOS Fall Workshop, Nov 2004 The chairs of the working groups SEA-COOS funded institutional representatives and some external Other institutions, industries, agencies and organizations Coordination of region-wide components of system, open to external groups
SEACOOS Fall Workshop, Nov 2004 Founding MembersAffiliatesPending Affiliates University of South CarolinaBeaufort TACTS/NSWC/USNAOML/NOAA Skidaway Inst of OceanographyCO-OPS/NOS/NOAABeaufort, NC Marine Lab/NOAA University of North CarolinaFKNMS/NOAAField Research Facility/USACE University of South FloridaMMAB/EC/NCEP/NWS/NOAACLION/DOD University of MiamiMiami WFO/NWS/NOAACSC/NOAA NCSU (Sea Grant)NCDDC/NOAACaro-COOPS University of Georgia (Sea Grant)NDBC/NOAAFlorida Marine Research Institute University of Florida (Sea Grant)SeaKeys/FIOFlorida Spaceport South Carolina Sea GrantSoutheast Fisheries Science Center/NMFS/NOAA GRNMS/NOAA SCDNRJacksonville WFO/NWS/NOAA NAMOC/USN SAFMC SOFMC CORMP NRL/USN SEACOOS Members (May 2004)
SEACOOS Fall Workshop, Nov 2004 SEA-COOS Year 3 Goals (involves all working groups) 1)Coastal ocean response to weather – observation and modeling of the evolving fields of water level, currents, temperature, salinity, winds, and heat and precipitation flux from the atmosphere. Ongoing effort (from inception) 2) Surface waves – some pilot observations; seeking better definition of effort. 3) Fisheries – promoting information merger and sharing (largely physical fields) in support of those groups focused on measurement of fisheries stocks. 4) Biogeochemical indicators - Assembly of information on primary producers, including existing satellite remote sensing capabilities and existing in-situ bio-optics measurement programs. 5) GIS coastal databases – Inventory and assembly effort to support storm surge, surface wave, fisheries and bio-optics programs.
SEACOOS Fall Workshop, Nov 2004 Year 4 targeted activities Refinement of ocean circulation, emphasizing baroclinic processes and apps: S&R, spill response, and fisheries management Design and begin implementing a direction wave obs sys and storm surge obs and pred sys, in support of EM, resource management and safe nav. Design CODAE to test ocean circ obs and modeling.
SEACOOS Fall Workshop, Nov 2004 What’s next? Need your input on existing document Need to develop WG-specific implementation plans (start with outline form…)
SEACOOS Fall Workshop, Nov 2004 The website is the access point for information but only the external expression of a number of critical efforts to establish a functional integrated observing system