Plant Biodiversity and Evolution (EBIO 4500) Lab times/locations: Wed. 2-5, 6-9, Ramaley C231 Lab TA: Becky Povilus Office Hours: Ramaley C231, Tue 3:30-4:30, or by appointment Dr. Pamela Diggle Dr. Stephanie Mayer
Plant Biodiversity and Evolution (EBIO 4500) - Course Mechanics - Microscope, Flickr Use - Cyanobacteria mini-lecture
Course Mechanics: - Attendance - Snacks - Lab Notebooks and Flickr (poster!) - Grades: 100 points - first class exam 100 points - first laboratory practical (Feb 24) 100 points - second class exam 100 points - second laboratory practical (April 21) 100 points - weekly lab quizzes (9 quizzes, 10 nb) 200 points - final cumulative class exam
Microscopes: User’s Guide Ocular Lenses Objective Lenses Stage + Clip Course/Fine Adjust Slide Position Adjust Light source Diaphragm Polarizing filter
- Check light path - Start on lowest magnification - Adjust the oculars (save your eyes!) - Adjust light, Focus carefully -Using immersion oil? ---With slide and lens in place, use ONE DROP of oil ---Clean of the slide & lens!
Saving and Using your Photos: Saving: 1) turn the camera to “play back” mode 2) camera memory will pop up in iphoto 3) create a new album, and drag photos into it 4) rename you photos as you wish Flickr: 1) open flickr uploader 2) follow log on instructions 3) drag the photos you want into the uploader 4) NAME, DESCRIBE YOUR PHOTOS! lastname_lab#_subject_photo# ex: povilus_3_oedogonium 5) chose a photo set, click “upload”
Cyanobacteria: - Unicellular - independent cells - share the original parent cell wall? Anacystis spp.
Cyanobacteria: -Colonial - grouped (organized?) cells - multiple planes of division - often share a gelatinous sheath Merismopedia Microcystis How do you tell these apart from unseparated unicellulars?
Cyanobacteria: - Filamentous - many cells, one plane of division* - specialization of cells? - branching: true* vs. false Heterocyst Akinete hormogonium
Cyanobacteria: - Filamentous - many cells, one plane of division* - specialization of cells? - branching: true* vs. false
Cyanobacteria: - Symbiotic - With who? How? Consequences?