Eric Allender Rutgers University The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory < 2 >< 2 > Today’s Message Computational complexity theory is successful because of some audacious notions.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory < 3 >< 3 > The Case against Complexity Theory Exhibit #1: The P vs NP question. – If you’ve heard anything at all about computational complexity theory, this is what you’ve heard about.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory < 4 >< 4 > Polynomial time – Time n 100 is not feasible. Turing Machines – Clearly an unrealistic model, even for deterministic machines. Asymptotic Analysis – An example will illustrate an important point. Three Absurd Notions in Complexity Theory
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory < 5 >< 5 > An example: the Game of Go Computing strategies for Go requires exponential time. – More precisely, given an n -by- n Go board with tiles on it, no program can compute an optimal next move in fewer than c 2 n – d steps, for some constants c and d. – Thus any program solving this problem must run very slowly on large inputs. This is the essence of asymptotic analysis.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory < 6 >< 6 > An example: the Game of Go Computing strategies for Go requires exponential time. – More precisely, given an n -by- n Go board with tiles on it, no program can compute an optimal next move in fewer than c 2 n – d steps, for some constants c and d. – This is a much stronger statement about complexity than we are able to prove for most problems.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory < 7 >< 7 > An example: the Game of Go Computing strategies for Go requires exponential time. – More precisely, given an n -by- n Go board with tiles on it, no program can compute an optimal next move in fewer than c 2 n – d steps, for some constants c and d. – Conceivably, there is a linear-time program that computes optimal moves, even for Go boards of size 1000-by-1000!
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory < 8 >< 8 > Conclusions Complexity Theory is a failure. For most problems of interest, no proofs of infeasibility are known. Even for problems where we can prove that exponential time is required (such as Go), we can’t conclude anything about input sizes that are actually of practical interest. Computational complexity theory is a huge waste of time, and we should all go home now.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory < 9 >< 9 > Wrong Conclusions Complexity Theory is a failure. For most problems of interest, no proofs of infeasibility are known. Even for problems where we can prove that exponential time is required (such as Go), we can’t conclude anything about input sizes that are actually of practical interest. Computational complexity theory is a huge waste of time, and we should all go home now.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory An Example of the Type of Theorem that We Need Theorem: Any circuit that takes as input a logical formula (in WS1S) of length 616 and produces as output a correct answer, saying if the formula is valid or not, has at least gates. (Stockmeyer, 1974) Corollary: No program can run on any computer existing today, and solve this problem with a running time of less than 1000 years.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Possible Objections Theorem: Any circuit that takes as input a logical formula (in WS1S) of length 616 and produces as output a correct answer, saying if the formula is valid or not, has at least gates. (Stockmeyer, 1974) Is this a problem anyone would ever want to compute? Yes! It’s used in hardware verification.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Possible Objections Theorem: Any circuit that takes as input a logical formula (in WS1S) of length 616 and produces as output a correct answer, saying if the formula is valid or not, has at least gates. (Stockmeyer, 1974) Isn’t this technology-dependent? Slightly. It’s based on AND and OR gates.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Possible Objections Theorem: Any circuit that takes as input a logical formula (in WS1S) of length 616 and produces as output a correct answer, saying if the formula is valid or not, has at least gates. (Stockmeyer, 1974) Aha!! What about quantum computers? Essentially the same result holds. Some of the constants will be slightly different.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory No Possible Objections! Theorem: Any circuit that takes as input a logical formula (in WS1S) of length 616 and produces as output a correct answer, saying if the formula is valid or not, has at least gates. (Stockmeyer, 1974) Although this theorem is about finite functions, the proof is in terms of functions on infinite domains. (That is, it uses asymptotic analysis.)
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Two Parts to the Proof Lemma: There is a problem A computable in space 2 n that requires circuits of size nearly 2 n. – Diagonalization is good for creating monsters. Small circuits for the validity problem yield small circuits for A. – Reducibility An easy-to-compute function f such that x is in A if and only if f(x) is a valid formula
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Two Parts to the Proof Lemma: There is a problem A computable in space 2 n that requires circuits of size nearly 2 n. – Diagonalization is good for creating monsters. Small circuits for the validity problem yield small circuits for A. – Every problem computable in space 2 n is reducible to the validity problem.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Reductions: A Reason to Celebrate Reducibility is a shockingly effective tool for understanding the complexity of real-world computational problems. One reason that we are here today, is to celebrate the discovery of this fact. Let’s learn more about reductions.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Desirable Properties for Reductions Reductions should be “easy” functions. If f and g are easy to compute, then it should also be easy to compute f(g(x)). If f is computable in time n 2, then f is easy. But this implies that there are “easy” functions that time n 100,000 to compute!
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Desirable Properties for Reductions Reductions should be “easy” functions. If f and g are easy to compute, then it should also be easy to compute f(g(x)). If f is computable in time n 2, then f is easy. We have two choices: 1. Forget about our properties above, or 2. Embrace them, and claim that they make sense.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory A Justification for Polynomial Time Complexity theoreticians aren’t trying to show that things are easy; they’re trying to show that things are hard. If a problem cannot be solved in polynomial time, then this is a strong indication that it is not feasible to compute. A “Karp reduction” is a function f computable in polynomial time.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Karp Reductions Recall that if f reduces A to B, then A is “no harder than” B. Say that A and B are “equivalent” if A is reducible to B and vice-versa. Equivalent problems have roughly the same complexity. They are two different ways of looking at the same problem. Hundreds of computational problems have been studied. Surprisingly, they fall into a very small number of equivalence classes.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Checkers & Go Checkers and Go are equivalent. Fact: Optimal strategies can be computed in time approximately 2 n. Fact: Every problem computable in time 2 poly(n) is reducible to Go. Hence this is a very special equivalence class. It consists of all of the “hardest” problems in EXP (the class of problems computable in exponential time).
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Checkers & Go Checkers and Go are equivalent. Fact: Optimal strategies can be computed in time approximately 2 n. Fact: Every problem computable in time 2 poly(n) is reducible to Go. We say these are “complete for EXP”. Since some problems in EXP require time 2 n, we know that the complete problems also require (nearly) this much time.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Completeness Fact: Another big equivalence class is complete for PSPACE (the class of problems that can be computed using a polynomial amount of memory). If any problem in PSPACE requires exponential time to compute, then all of these PSPACE-complete problems do.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Completeness Fact: Another big equivalence class is complete for PSPACE (the class of problems that can be computed using a polynomial amount of memory). A quick program solving any PSPACE- complete problem gives a general technique to speed up any memory-limited computation. Thus, we guess that all PSPACE-complete problems require (nearly) exponential time.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Completeness, continued Some equivalence classes correspond to time and space complexity. …but most don’t! …and they are the classes with the problems we really care the most about.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Nondeterminism The solution: Consider weird machines. Given an input x, a nondeterministic machine is allowed to search for free through an exponentially-large set of strings, looking for a proof that x should be accepted. You may object: “This is absurd. No machine like this can be built!” …That’s the point!
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory NP NP is the class of problems solvable in polynomial time on nondeterministic machines. A huge number of important computational problems are NP-complete: – The traveling salesman problem – The 3-colorability problem – Partition – Knapsack … Nondeterminism is forced on us.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory coNP What is the relationship between the following two problems? – 3-colorability – Non-3-colorability They have the same (deterministic) time complexity, but they seem not to be in the same Karp-equivalence class. There are short proofs that a graph can be three-colored. –Simply present the coloring! Is there always a short proof that a graph cannot be three-colored?
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory coNP What is the relationship between the following two problems? – 3-colorability – Non-3-colorability They have the same (deterministic) time complexity, but they seem not to be in the same Karp-equivalence class. coNP consists of the complements of problems in NP. Nondeterminism highlights differences among problems of equivalent deterministic complexity.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Other Equivalence Classes Many other equivalence classes of important problems are captured in terms of time- and space-bounds on variants of nondeterministic machines. Any two problems in P are in the same Karp- equivalence class. – But using more restricted reductions, a similar picture emerges inside P. – Amazingly, even with restricted reductions, the classes of complete sets for “big” complexity classes (EXP, NP, …) are essentially unchanged.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Before Reducibility There was almost nothing that we could say about the computational complexity of real- world computational problems. For evidence of intractability, one could only point to the fact that other people had tried, and failed, to find an efficient algorithm.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory With Reducibility Order is imposed on the chaos of problems. Natural computational problems fall into a handful of equivalence classes. We have a reason to believe that these classes are, in fact, distinct. – Time- and Space-bounded complexity classes (on different types of machines) A theory that explains perceived differences in computational difficulty.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Factoring A good illustration of how far we’ve come. Complexity theory has little to say about the factorization problem – Some cryptographic problems are “reducible” to factoring. – There is no machine model or complexity class for which factoring is complete. The only real reason to think that factoring is hard, is because smart people have failed to find fast algorithms.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Factoring A good illustration of how far we’ve come. Complexity theory has little to say about the factorization problem – RSA is “reducible” to factoring. – There is no machine model or complexity class for which factoring is complete. This is the situation we had for almost all computational problems, before the 70’s.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Factoring A good illustration of how far we’ve come. Complexity theory has little to say about the factorization problem – RSA is “reducible” to factoring. – There is no machine model or complexity class for which factoring is complete. Now, the reverse holds. For almost all problems that we suspect to be difficult to compute, we can “explain” why they are hard.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory …but what about the problem of asymptotic analysis??? Recall that, although Go and other EXP- complete problems require exponential time, we couldn’t say anything about fixed input lengths. In contrast, we could say something about the validity problem for inputs of length 616.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Two Parts to the Proof that Validity is Hard for Inputs of size 616: Lemma: There is a problem A computable in space 2 n that requires circuits of size nearly 2 n. – Diagonalization is good for creating monsters. Everything computable in space 2 n is reducible to the validity problem. Can we mimic this, to show a similar result for Go?
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Two Parts to the Proof that Validity is Hard for Inputs of size 616: Lemma: There is a problem A computable in space 2 n that requires circuits of size nearly 2 n. – Diagonalization is good for creating monsters. Everything computable in space 2 n is reducible to the validity problem. Can we mimic this, to show a similar result for Go?
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory An Attempt to Prove a Similar Infeasibility Theorem for Go. Lemma: There is a problem A computable in sitime 2 n that requires circuits of size nearly 2 n. ….. – We don’t know how to prove this! is good for creating monsters. Everything computable in sitime 2 n is reducible to the problem of finding optimal moves in Go. – This part goes through with no problem! Can we mimic this, to show a similar result for Go?
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory A Central Question in Complexity Theory: Does every problem in EXP have small circuits? – Is EXP contained in P/poly? It would be very strange if this were true! If NP requires large circuits, then it should be possible to prove infeasibility results for fixed input lengths for NP-complete problems.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory A Central Question in Complexity Theory: Does every problem in EXP have small circuits? – Is EXP contained in P/poly? It would be very strange if this were true! In the next talk, Avi Wigderson will present more reasons why the circuit complexity of EXP is of such importance.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Conclusions Complexity theory does provide convincing proofs that certain transformations from input to output cannot be computed. In order to prove that finite functions are hard to compute, we use a theoretical framework based on infinite functions. This theoretical framework can be used to provide evidence of infeasibility, even when we cannot prove that functions are hard to compute.
Eric Allender: The Audacity of Computational Complexity Theory Conclusions Reducibility is unreasonably effective in characterizing the complexity of problems. With surprisingly few exceptions, most problems are complete for one of a handful of complexity classes. A lot of exciting progress is being made. The next two talks will discuss some more recent developments.