Stress Stress is a physiological response to noxious stimuli. Effects include: 1) enlarged adrenal glands 2) reduced thymus gland 3) ulceration of the stomach Stress is affected by one’s appraisal of the situation. What is stressful versus challenging varies across individuals.
Effects if stress: Can increase adrenaline and norepinephrine Raises cortisol Lowers interferon reduces the number of lymphocytes
General Adaptation Syndrome (Hans Selye) Three phases –1) alarm reaction –2) resistance –3) exhaustion
Things that suppress the immune system: 1) Surgery 2) Sleep deprivation 3) learned helplessness 4) Bereavement i.e., any loss (e.g., friend, intellectual skills, memory, self esteem, physical attractiveness, money, home, land, status)
Life-Stress Scale EventsScore Death of spouse100 Divorce73 Marriage50 Financial change 38 Vacation13
Appraisal Perceived control (e.g., dentist, nursing home study) IntensityDurationPredictabilityCompetencyMotivation Physiological state (second stressors) Social Support Factors That Influence Stress
1) Direct action 2) Situation Redefinition 3) Catharsis 4) Social Support 5) Aerobic exercise 6) Relaxation / meditation 7) Acceptance 8) Distraction 9) Religion Coping with Stress
Social Support 1) Emotional (love, security) 2) Instrumental (money, assistance) 3) Information 4) Appraisal - feedback - communication