COSMOCHEMISTRY iLLUSTRATED Weathering on MarsWeathering on Mars Martian Weathering Horowitz and McLennan (2007)


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Presentation transcript:

COSMOCHEMISTRY iLLUSTRATED Weathering on MarsWeathering on Mars Martian Weathering Horowitz and McLennan (2007)

COSMOCHEMISTRY iLLUSTRATED Weathering on MarsWeathering on Mars Martian Weathering

COSMOCHEMISTRY iLLUSTRATED Weathering on MarsWeathering on Mars Martian Weathering Phyllosilicates do occur in places on Mars, as shown by the green areas in this multispectral image, but may be mostly Fe-rich minerals such as nontronite and saponite, not Al-rich minerals such as kaolinite Delta formed inside Jezero Crater Ehlmann et al. (2008)