A Review of Ontology Mapping, Merging, and Integration Presenter: Yihong Ding
2 Survey Papers Ontology Research and Development Part 2 – A review of Ontology Mapping and Evolving, Ying Ding and Schubert Foo Some Issues on Ontology Integration, H. Sofia Pinto, A. Gomez-Perez, and Joao P. Martins
3 Ontology Mapping Two parties understand each other Use the same formal representation Share the conceptualization (so the same ontology) Not easy to let everybody to agree on the same ontology for a domain The problem of ontology mapping Different ontologies on the same domain Parties with different ontologies do not understand each other
4 Ontology Integration Building a new ontology and reusing other available ontologies (integration) Merging different ontologies into a single one that “unifies” all of them (merging) Integration of ontologies into applications (use)
5 Integration Resulting ontology can be composed of several “modules” Be able to identify regions taken from different integrated ontologies
6 Merging Hard to identify regions taken from merged ontologies Knowledge from merged ontologies is homogenized Knowledge from one source ontology is scattered and mingled with the knowledge that comes from other sources
7 Use Ontologies should be compatible among themselves Issues for compatibility Ontological commitments Language Level of details Context etc.
8 InfoSleuth’s reference ontology Mapping Explicit specified relationships of terms between ontologies Encapsulated within resource agents Resource agent Encapsulate information about mapping rules Present information in ontologies (reference ontologies) Reference ontologies Represented in OKBC Stored in OKBC server Ontology agents provide specifications To users (for request formulation) To resource agents (for mapping)
9 Stanford’s ontology algebra Mapping Established articulations that enables the knowledge interoperability Executed by ontology algebra Ontology algebra Operators Unary: filter, extract Binary: intersection, union, difference Inputs: ontology graphs Semi-automatic graph mapping Domain experts define a variety of fuzzy matching Use articulation ontology (abstract mathematical entities with some properties)
10 AIFB’s formal concept analysis Mapping and merging Ontology concepts with the same extension Executed by FCA-Merge FCA-Merge Create a concept hierarchy - the concept lattice -containing the original concepts based on the source ontologies Process Objects annotated by both ontologies: directly compute lattice Else: create annotated objects first. Else if cannot annotate: use documents as artificial objects. I.e., concepts which always appear in the same documents are supposed to be merged
11 ECAI2000’s methods Williams & Tsatsoulis Supervised inductive learning Create semantic concept descriptions Apply concept clustering algorithm to find mapping Tamma & Bench-Capon Name-based matching Relate classes in bottom-up and top-down ways Priority functions to solve inconsistency Human experts adjust priority functions Uschold Use a global reference ontology
12 ISI’s OntoMorph Syntactic rewriting Pattern-directed rewrite rules Concise specification of sentence-level transformations based on pattern matching Semantic rewriting Modulate syntactic rewriting via semantic models and logical inference
13 KRAFT’s ontology clustering Based on the similarities between the concepts known to different agents Method Use a domain ontology describe abstract information (global reference) Each ontology cluster define certain part of its parent ontology Name, instance, relation, compound matchers
14 Heterogeneous Database Integration A database scheme is a lightweight ontology Typical researches Batini et.al. (1986), five steps of integrating schemata of existing or proposed databases into a global, unified schema Sheth & Kashyap (1992), semantic similarities in schema integration Palopoli et.al. (2000), two techniques to integrate and abstract database schemes
15 Other Ontology Mappings Lehmann & Cohn (1994) Need more specialized concept definitions Li (1995) Identify attribute similarities using neural networks Borst & Akkermans (1997) Resulted mappings could be considered as a new ontology
16 Other Ontology Mappings Hovy (1998) Several heuristic rules to support the merging of ontologies Weinstein & Birmingham (1999) Graph mapping use description compatibility between elements McGuinness et.al. (2000) Chimaera system Term merging from different knowledge sources Noy & Musen (2000) PROMPT algorithm for Protégé system Ontology merging and alignment for OKBC compatible format
17 Conclusion Depend very much on the inputs of human experts Focus on 1-1 mappings Further needs n:1, 1:n, m:n mappings Ontology mapping can be viewed as the projection of the general ontologies from different point of views