Ballistic transport under Quantum Hall effect conditions Ballistic transport under Quantum Hall effect conditions S.Nazin, V.Shikin, ISSP RAS S.Nazin, V.Shikin, ISSP RAS
Outline 1. 1-D ballistic conductance definition 1. 1-D ballistic conductance definition 2. Hall-effect, Quantum Hall-effect (QHE) definitions 2. Hall-effect, Quantum Hall-effect (QHE) definitions 3. Edge (ballistic) scenario for QHE realization (Halperin, 1982; Buttiker, 1986) 3. Edge (ballistic) scenario for QHE realization (Halperin, 1982; Buttiker, 1986) 4. Technical service for Halperin-Buttiker scenario. 4. Technical service for Halperin-Buttiker scenario. 5. Resume. 5. Resume.
1-D channel ballistic coductance.
Narrow 1-D channel definition
Conductance G(V)
2D Hall-bar setup
Shub-de-Haas oscillations and the Hall resistance for 1-D ballistic channel.
Conventional skipping states in magnetic field
Data: Phys.Rev B 38, 3625
B.I.Shklovskii et al., Phys. Rev. B46 (1992) p.4026
1-D channel electrostatics
The corresponding density profile n(x) and the $x_l$ - point positions definition
Resume: 1. Self consistent description of 1-D channel ballistic conductance under QHE conditions is presented. 1. Self consistent description of 1-D channel ballistic conductance under QHE conditions is presented. 2. Benefice to B.Shklovski idea 2. Benefice to B.Shklovski idea 2. In general the activity around MES (magnetic edge states) is not so routine. 2. In general the activity around MES (magnetic edge states) is not so routine.
External potential, the profile n(x) of electron density, position of static skin- layer and its relative scale
QHE without edge states
H =0.6
Saddle point influence