1. What is shown here? weather or climate ? analysis valid 18 UTC on 4 Oct 2005
2. Name three atmospheric greenhouse gases
3. What is the primary gas in the atmosphere of (a) Mars (b) Earth (c) Venus Mars EarthVenus
4. The atmosphere (incl. dust and clouds) absorbs xx% of the incoming solar radiation, and yy% of the longwave radiation emitted by the Earth surface? estimate xx and yy (you get full credit even if you are 50% off) aphelion with an atmospherewithout atmosphere
5. What is the name of this layer? 5. What causes hazy skies?
6. List the types of ‘weather’ (wx) reported on 16 UTC on 2/16/03 in NC. Hint: wx reports are in purple. Show both the symbol, and its definition. (if you get at least 6, you get full credit; 3 is half-credit)
7. In what layer are radiowaves reflected?
8. (a) What phase of water is most common on Earth? (b) What phase is least common?
9. How much is the net radiation (longwave+shortwave) at the Earth surface, in units of the Fig below? (positive means that the Earth surface is gaining energy)
10. We have seen the red curve many times. What does it show? (the answer is hidden behind the black box)
11. Look at the image below. How is the heat transfer from equatorial to polar regions accomplished?
12. Explain this paradox: the Earth is closer to the Sun in January than in July, yet it is colder in January in the northern hemisphere. perihelion aphelion
a. At which of these two places is the annual mean temperature the highest? b. Where is the daily temperature range largest? c. Where is the annual temperature range largest? 14. Explain (a, b and c) (hint: both places are along the Pacific coast) Santa Cruz, CA: mean temperature ºF Max Min Mean Winter Summer average ºF Max Min Mean Winter Summer average: Juneau, AK: mean temperature 13
15. (a) How does temperature normally change with height in the troposphere? (b) Define an inversion. (c) Why are inversions common in valleys, during clear, calm nights?
16. for the green dot, determine (a) temperature (b) vapor pressure (c) saturation vapor pressure (d) wet-bulb temperature (e) dewpoint please add units to all values
dewpoint 17. Why is it that relative humidity tends to vary in opposition to temperature during the course of a day?
18. Imagine you are going skiing. Explain the advantages of wearing a jacket that is (a) well-insulating, and (b) breathable.
19. (a) In what direction is latent heat transferred? (up or down) (b) Indicate specifically where the latent cooling and the latent warming occur
20. What is the wind speed and direction at this station at this time?
21. (extra credit) In the past two million years BP, there were several glacial periods, and interglacials (as we experience today). During the glacials, the CO 2 and CH 4 concentrations were much lower than during the interglacials (see below). In fact temperature and greenhouse gases varied in sync. How do we know this? (i.e. how are measurements, such as those shown below, made?)