Status of Particle ID in TRD reconstruction Prashant Shukla Institute of Physics University of Heidelberg Presentation at TRD Software Meet 21 st April, GSI Darmstadt
1. TRD PID with the Aliroot (v ) was giving Bad PID. 2. In January last week many inconsistencies were corrected. Bogdan put new filter for Tail Cancellation. Drift velocity was made 1.62 (earlier 1.50). No. of Time Bins was made 18. It was giving Good PID. 3. Around same time Marian also made the changes in the tracking which modified the gain factor. All these changes were put together as v4-02-Release. Bad PID. 4. I generated the response functions again and submitted (March 11). This gives good PID. 5. There are newer changes submitted by Christoph for new treatment of drift velocity. Bad PID. Recent evolution of AliRoot and TRD PID
AliRoot v TRD signals (p=2 GeV)
AliRoot v (Modified) pion eff vs electron eff (p=2 GeV)
After Bogdan's New time filter in v TRD signals (p=2 GeV)
After Bogdan's New time filter in v pion eff Vs electron eff (p=2 GeV)
After New tracking code (Aliroot Head ) TRD signals (p=2 GeV)
After New tracking code (Aliroot Head ) pion eff Vs electron eff (p=2 GeV)
Present AliRoot TRD signals with the old testbeam Data (p=2 GeV, 4 GeV)
Present AliRoot ( ) Time Bin (2 GeV, 4 GeV)
Present AliRoot (Head date ) pion eff Vs electron eff (2 GeV)
Test Beam: Signal Shapes (4 GeV)
Test Beam: Distribution of position of largest cluster (4 GeV)
Test Beam: Old and New Data (4, 6 GeV)
Test beam: pion eff. Vs. electron eff. (4, 6 GeV)
Test Beam Data pion eff. At 90% electron eff. (4, 6 GeV) Momentum Eff. (LQ) Eff.(LQX) 1 GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV
1. Need to have stable TRD PID. 2. Beam test data as response function. 3. Mismatch between AliRoot and test data. 4. Effect of multiplicity on electron identification? 5. Genarting response functions from the detector for fast simulation Future Tasks