Instructions for people experiencing problems accessing secure pages on the Finance website using their unipass
Log into IDM with your zpass:
Check that your unipass is the same as your zpass (in most cases they are the same but you can see in this screen shot that my unipass starts with an ‘s’ and my zpass starts with a ‘z’) If they are the same you can continue, if they are not the same you will need to remember this and use the different login id’s depending on what you are trying to access.
Change your unipass password (it is easiest if you make your unipass password the same as your zpass password). Please change your unipass password (even if you have done so recently).
Go to this page and try logging in with your unipass: Please note that the unipass is case sensitive so you will need to log in with a small ‘z’ (or ‘s’). If you still experience problems please contact the Service Desk on x51333