CNN US Election Mobile WAP site content
Site structure Home Page Latest Headlines Follow the Primaries and Caucuses (results page) The CandidatesThe issuesThe Money Path to the presidency Political Ticker blog
Latest headlines For the headlines you could use a similar format to what we used for the planet in Peril site; i.e a link saying ‘click here for the latest headlines.
Follow the Primaries and Caucuses (results page) I have done a little table bellow to illustrate the kind of information we want to provide regarding the primaries results. In short we want to simply show what percent of the vote each candidate got in each state. As the different states go to vote we will need to be able to add the results. As far as look and feel is concerned, I will let you see what is the best way to illustrate this information.
The Candidates (the bellow mock-up you sent over works well)
The Issues (the bellow mock-up you sent over works well)
The Money (the bellow mock-up you sent over works well)
The Path to the Presidency (the bellow mock-up you sent over works well)
Political Ticker Blog I am open to your suggestions of how this should look and work.