Construction Industry in Poland Halmstad University Construction management Piotr Mazur Adam Osiński Piotr Stolarski Paulina Wawryca Łukasz Piecyk Paweł Bilski
Statistics In industry works employers, of which in construction industry
Demand for Employees in Construction Construction Division
Industry in Gross Domestic Product in y.
EURO 2012 Investments: - 4 big stadiums - About 100 km of new roads and highways - Hundreds of hotels and gastronomic points - Renovation of airports and railway stations
Stadium in Warsaw
Stadium in Poznań
Roads in 2010
Prognosis for roads in 2012
Housing industry
Reasons of growth : ◦ Overall economic growth ◦ High increase in credit availability, lower interest rates Reasons of falling : … ◦ World financial crisis ◦ Increase of prices (from 2400 zł/m2 to 4000 zł/m2
Housing industry - In year 2010 : apartments finished (15% less than in 2009, 17% less than in 2008) - In year 2010 : apartments started (10% more than in 2009, 15% less than in 2008)
Housing industry Near future situation- ◦ High risk of new investitions, uncertain about supply ◦ Only return of economical growth will increase new investitions highly ◦ State housing policy (Housing for Families), to increase demand for new investitions
The preliminary data can be assessed that over the past two years, the fastest developed industrial buildings and warehouses, which increased market share from 8.9% to 12.3%. Also increased the share of engineering construction, including road - despite the delays and problems with the implementation of spending plans for 2010 and low absorption of EU funds. Although the general opinion is too slow, but the condition of Polish roads is improving steadily.
Industrial and warehouse construction industry Industrial and warehouse construction industry developed in large part thanks to the interest of foreign investors, treating Poland as an attractive location for manufacturing facilities and logistics centers. Modern warehouse market is dominated by large international players. Until recently, the supply of modern warehouse space centered around Warsaw (over 70% of the total available space of approximately 2 million m2 at the end of 2010). Recently observed change in the trend: in 2010 almost half of new supply was located outside of Warsaw, especially in Silesia and in the vicinity of Wroclaw and Poznan. Recently come to market signals about the boom in the north, near Gdansk. This trend should continue in the future, as indicated already started and planned investments, and large areas reserved for investors in new projects. According to analysts DTZ up to 80% of future investments will be located outside the region of Warsaw.
Leaders of construction market in Poland Four dominant construction companies: 1. Polimex-Mostostal 2. Skanska 3. Budimex 4. PBG Group
Polimex-Mostostal General contractor in industrial construction, general and residential A company listed on the Stock Exchange in Warsaw- in the index of the 20 largest companies Also operates in foreign market Only Polish construction company included in the International Construction Magazine report (sales on billion USD- 1.6)
Budimex Major investments in infrastructure construction, residential, environmental and special A company listed on the Stock Exchange in Warsaw- in the index of the 20 largest companies Also operates in foreign market
PBG Group Main contracts: construction of installations for transmission and storage natural gas, crude oil and fuel, hydraulic engineering, industrial and road constraction A company listed on the Stock Exchange in Warsaw- in the index of the 20 largest companies
Polish migration Reasons: - Most of the EU states put limits on the number of migrants, there is no limits of migrants in: Britain, Ireland and Sweden. - English is spoken as the second language of the many other countries so it is easier for migrants to move to an English-speaking nation - Polish workers have been able to earn five times more money than in Poland. -One in five workers in Poland was unemployed in Even low-paid work in foreign country is attractive as the average monthly wage in Poland.
Effects: - According to the last analysis in Poland there is 30% less workers and construction managers than half year ago. - Difficulty in completing the construction within the time. Ages of migrants from Poland