Endoplasmic Reticulum By Nick Gatto and Alex Lee “The Biosynthetic Factory”
Function of Smooth E.R. Enzyme Synthesis:Steroid (Hormone) Production
Function of Rough E.R. Protein Synthesis Membrane Factory
Rap (not us) XjY&feature=related XjY&feature=related Start at 2:10
An Ode to The Endoplasmic Reticulum Oh my endoplasmic reticulum, You are both rough and smooth. You serve multiple functions, All of which are useful. Your Structure and abundance varies from cell to cell. Some prefer you smooth, Like the liver and reproductive cells. You synthesize enzymes, Lipids like the very important oils, phospholipids, and steroids. You also deal with our poisons, Never failing to make chemicals more soluble by adding Hydroxyl groups. Your rough half also performs valuable functions. You harbor protein-producing ribosomes, Then shelter the proteins as they fold into more mature structures. Then you send them on their way in their own little vesicle. All the time creating more membrane for yourself by forming phospholipids. You’re so close to the nucleolus, A valiant look out. Sounding the alarm when there is a problem with protein production. You comprise more than half the membrane in most cells, And you are still so humble.
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