2008Anton McLachlan Workshop on Publishing Scientific Papers Constructing a Paper The final step in a research project. We all stand on the shoulders of others who have gone before us. They have freed us from ignorance and misunderstanding because they passed on their ideas and discoveries. They did this by publishing their science and making it available to all.
2008Anton McLachlan Paper Writing is Both an art and a science Hard work Difficult without good science
2008Anton McLachlan Good vs Bad Science Research starts with an idea, i.e. identifying a problem to be addressed Background knowledge is essential Theory driven vs empirical Hypothesis testing Descriptive vs experimental Pure vs applied Contributing new knowledge
2008Anton McLachlan Three Essential Skills Language Literature Methodology –Testable hypotheses –Correct techniques –Appropriate instrumentation –Reliable data capture –Appropriate statistical analysis
2008Anton McLachlan Other Important Issues Before starting to write a paper it is important to be aware of the need for: Drafting an outline Following the journal format Avoiding plagiarism Informal peer review before submission Accepting criticism
2008Anton McLachlan Contents Title Abstract Introduction Methods Results Discussion (conclusion) Acknowledgements References
2008Anton McLachlan Two General Approaches Slow and Detailed –Proceeds methodically from start to finish –Requires great concentration –Needs quality time Quick and Dirty –Quick and rough initial compilation –Followed by several iterations
2008Anton McLachlan Writing Sequence Methods Results Discussion Introduction Abstract Title or In sequence
2008Anton McLachlan Title Short Clear and complete Double barreled Examples: Sandy beach biodiversity (3) A study of the macrofauna on sandy beaches in Oman with special reference to the effects of latitude (18) Sandy beach macrofauna diversity: latitudinal effects (6)
2008Anton McLachlan Abstract Introduce the problem Outline the approach/methods Give key results/data Main conclusions
2008Anton McLachlan Abstract Differences in macrofauna diversity between temperate and tropical sandy beaches have not been clearly defined in the literature. Quantitative transect surveys were used to estimate macrofauna biodiversity on 10 tropical beaches in Oman. Diversity recorded per beach ranged from 20 to 30 species, with peracarid crustaceans dominant. Diversity was negatively correlated with both sand particle size and beach slope. Comparison with similar beaches from higher latitudes indicates significantly higher diversity on these tropical beaches. This study confirms higher diversity of beach macrofauna at lower latitudes.
2008Anton McLachlan Introduction An introduction does three things: Introduces the topic Covers key background literature to identify the problem to be addressed States the aims, i.e. how the problem will be addressed
2008Anton McLachlan Introduction Beaches dominate the world’s and the Omani coastlines. Macrofauna consists of molluscs, crustacean’s and polychaetes. Macrofauna abundance and diversity varies in response to physical factors: sand, wave and tide regimes. Some debate on the role of latitude. Studies ignoring beach type find greater diversity at high latitudes. Others claim this is an effect of physical factors. This needs to be resolved by considering both latitude and physical factors. This project aims to separate latitudinal and physical effects by sampling 10 beaches over a range of types in the tropics and comparing them to similar beaches in temperate areas.
2008Anton McLachlan Methods Methods must be repeatable Sequence is from field to lab to computer: –Study site –Field methods –Lab techniques –Statistical analysis of the data
2008Anton McLachlan Results Results are: Presented in the same sequence as in the methods Explained in terms of basic trends and statistical significance
2008Anton McLachlan Discussion Discussion has three elements: Interprets results in context of current knowledge (literature) Debates relevant theory Suggests future approaches Tip: tie the last paragraph of the discussion (conclusions) back to the introduction
2008Anton McLachlan Paper Writing - Conclusions This is a personal thing, many methods Not easy, takes effort and planning We keep learning – can’t buy experience Knowledge of literature essential Peer review is critical Work with experienced colleagues