Reproductive Technologies: from IVF to “designer babies” HSCI E137 Apr 20, 2011
Melanie (seated) and Michael Thernstrom, with Violet and Kieran, and their gestational carriers, Fie (left) and Melissa From the NY Times, Jan 2, 2011 A tale of two fertility treatments
Nadya Suleman, the “Octomom” From
The ethics of egg and embryo use In IVF clinics In human embryonic stem cell research Sandel: “they stand or fall together”
Assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) In vitro fertilization (with or without pre- implantation genetic diagnosis) –Choosing at the level of the gametes
Ad for egg donors posted in Sever Hall
Above: from the Stanford Daily
Assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) In vitro fertilization (with or without pre- implantation genetic diagnosis) –Choosing at the level of the gametes –Status of social mother/parents –Gestational surrogacy –PGD: choosing at the level of the embryo What happens when range of traits screened for broadens? Prenatal fetal testing
The range of views Silver: pro-choice, pro-free market Sandel: critic of enhancement technologies; embryo as worthy of “respect” Hubbard: pro-choice feminist; genomania; disability rights critique Caplan: “baby making is not a business” Davis: child centered viewpoint