03/11/03Nate Lamie Power Drivers
03/11/03Nate Lamie Background Used to provide interface between low-level logic and power loads
03/11/03Nate Lamie Typical Applications Drivers for high current loads such as relays, solenoids, stepping motors and LED or incandescent displays
03/11/03Nate Lamie Types of Drivers Sinking –Output pin provides ground for the load Sourcing –Output pin provides a voltage source for the load
03/11/03Nate Lamie Sinking and Sourcing
03/11/03Nate Lamie Considerations for Selection Power and current ratings of the load Inverting, Non-inverting functions Diode clamp Number of outputs needed Number of inputs available –Serial or Parallel input?
03/11/03Nate Lamie Serial Input
03/11/03Nate Lamie Parallel Input
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