From Accurate Atomic Data to Elaborate Stellar Modeling Franck Delahaye LUTh (Observatoire de Paris, France) Collaborations : Atomic Physic – Opacity:Claude Zeippen (LUTh) Anil Pradhan (Ohio State) Claudio Mendoza (IVIC) The Opacity/Iron/RmaX Project team Astrophysics – Stellar Physic:Marc Pinsonneault (Ohio State) Georges Alecian (LUTh) Donald Terndrup (Ohio State) Sylvaine Turck-Chièze (CEA) High Accuracy Atomic Physics in Astronomy, August 7 – 9, 2006, ITAMP
Drake et al (Nature 436/Chandra) Atomic Physic and Astronomy
1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 +h 1s 2 2s 2 2p 5 nl valence electron 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 +h 1s2s 2 2p 6 nl inner shell electron ⊙ Results: Opacities & Accelerations OP ➢ New opacities OP include inner shell processes. OP Opacities available for high T - domains Stellar interior Now 2 main sources of opacities: OP and OPAL Good agreement in R but important differences in accelerations Applications → Solar composition, micro-diffusion Badnell et al MNRAS 360: 458 Opacities: OP vs OPAL Delahaye & Pinsonneault 2005 ApJ 625:563 Radiative accelerations: OP vs OPAL Delahaye & Pinsonneault 2006 (ApJ in press) Stellar composition
Delahaye & Pinsonneault 2006 (ApJ in press ) Solar composition Solar composition
Radiative Accelerations & Abundances Anomalies Behr et al (ApJ 531:L37) Radiative Acceleration Gravitational settling
Comparison OP-OPAL For a given stellar structure which Simulates HB or intermediate mass stars Trend: Z Diff. Delahaye & Pinsonneault 2005 ApJ 625, 563 Radiative Accelerations: OP vs OPAL Radiative Accelerations: OP vs OPAL
Disagreement Stellar wind, mixing How about uncertainties in micro-diffusion? Settling↓ Levitation↑. Error in Acceleration can change amplitude and even sign Acc Fe (OP) < Acc Fe (OPAL) Detailled comparison between predictions and observations Turcotte et al (ApJ 504: )
Radiative Acceleration & Stellar interior Black: CZ Fe CZ Richard et al (ApJ 558: ) centre Surface Fe CZ Age M=1.5M ⊙ M=1.7M ⊙ M=2.5M ⊙ Radiative Acceleration Gravitational Settling CZ: Convection Zone
NEEDS: Data and Comparisons Direct → Experiments, other calculations Indirect → Modelling. Context More observations of high resolution to come (XMM - Chandra - XEUS - ASTROE2 - COROT - MOST – LBT). Atomic Physics Data for low ionization states of Fe, Co and Ni. Lasers and opacities: Experiment at ILP (CEA) (Proposal accepted) Astrophysics Influence of atomic data on stellar modelling. Development of the new standard of stellar code (including micro-diffusion) Data Bases Development of codes et services for stellar modelling. Toward VO standard of the OP/IP databases Future