W4140 Network Laboratory Lecture 13 Dec 11 - Fall 2006 Shlomo Hershkop Columbia University
Announcements Short class today Wrapping up
Overview Course summary Exam overview Project report
Overview The course is designed to give you practical network skills for todays evolving net system I believe the skills learned in the weekly labs: Practical Useful Real world Payoff: Can now get CISCO certified if you choose Can ask for more $$$$
We covered Technologies and protocols of the Internet using equipment currently available to large ISPs such as CISCO routers and rack end-systems. We engineered local and wide-area networks Internet Protocol (IP) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Domain Name System (DNS) routing protocols (RIP, OSPF, BGP) network management protocols (SNMP) application-level protocols (FTP, TELNET, SMTP).
Disclaimer I know and realize you have put in a lot of work into this course YOUR GRADE WILL REFLECT THIS BUT….. Please look over your grades and speak to the TA is points were taken off by mistake Speak to ME (preferably today) if you feel you deserve to get a better grade than just what is reflected in the marks on the lab work You will have a chance to redeem points lost by being creative on the final exam
Final We will be having a short written final for the lab course covering topics familiar from the labs. Straightforward exam making sure you understand what we have covered Will be enough if you look over your lab notes Schedule for next week before the final demos due to conflicts today
Example You are being paid as a consultant to help fix a network problem Description of the network topology Description of requirements Description of wishful thinking Description of problem Ideas on why it is happening How you would debug the problem Some ideas on solving it
Phase II We will be having a pizza party for the phase II presentations next Monday Have lunch and every group will give a 15 minute overview of what they did Will work with you on wrapping up your report and help you submit it to a conference proceedings if you want to get published
Phase II Would also like to archive the work, so please while generating the work capture traffic (tcpdump/ethereal) and will post them next to your reports Try to use visualization to show a point of your work, as opposed to huge log and some random point in the log Picture still worth 1000 words
Phase II Presentation Overview of project Who What why Overview of background info and tools used Experiments to show idea Results Explanation of the results Where this work can be taken
Written report Should be pdf Outline a few paragraph on what the goal and results of project Background info Tools Experiments Results Results explanation Future work References and code/tools/links etc
Note If you have filled out the course evaluation: THANK YOU Else, please do so today Thanks in advance
Course style I have designed the couse to be very very very open ended Because real world network troubleshooting 80 % time simple configuration or protocol problem 90 % can spot it looking the packets 10 % <<< big bucks pay here
Hope you enjoyed this semester with me Please let me know if you would like to help out on a research project over winter break or next semester Good experience, but only if you have academic time for it Any Questions ??