Learning to Learn 1 Informal Design Methods & Tools for Developing ID Competencies: conclusions from 3 case studies (or how to mainstream LD…)
Learning to Learn 2 Fundamentals 1 n IMS Learning Design starts from the premise that we can produce a formal LD narrative n Has nothing to say about how that is produced n Most teachers cannot do this, or easily understand them n Until this ‘Inconvenient Truth’ is addressed LD will remain peripheral to the Mainstream
Learning to Learn 3 Fundamentals 2 n What are the Competences required to produce a formal LD Narrative? n Do we have such a competence statement? n If not perhaps we should….. n A job for Tencompetence?
Learning to Learn 4 WHY? Existing design skills are ‘embedded’, in a rich working context and therefore difficult to abstract in order to share them Koper n No large tradition of sharing learning designs A largely untrained workforce with modest IT skills Stiles n Organisational issues ignored in e-learning n No tradition of ISD in the UK
Learning to Learn 5 Reality Therapy…. n Start from where teachers are in reality - embedded, contextualised, individual, (sometimes isolated & competitive) non-transferable. n “Many teachers do not possess a vocabulary for articulating and sharing their pedagogic strategies and designs with others, particularly beyond their cognate discipline areas” X4L seminar on LD & Beetham
Learning to Learn 6 Systemic Issues… have been ignored “education is a social and political system, and the checks and balances that keep the system working may not be shifted by any technology” Mayes (Groundhog Day) ….another inconvenient truth?
Learning to Learn 7 Best Seen as Part of Process Change… E-learning Dysfunctional Functional sustainable unsustainable collective individual management by budget management by analysis teaching and research separate teaching and research conflated core business systematic fragmented accurate MIS information ‘enterprise’ rhetoric but no decent MIS senior management engaged senior management disengaged techno-sceptic techno-fetish evaluation no evaluation long-term short-term design once use many Business not understood design once use once
Learning to Learn 8 Mediating LD Intermediate Descriptions Learning Design Embedded Practice Abstract Contextualised
Learning to Learn 9 An LD Continuum Primitives/Artefacts……… Informal ………… Formal (LD)
Learning to Learn 10 Our Experience n Better to work outwards from teachers existing conceptions and terminologies towards new concepts and terms, rather than to expect them to adopt new frameworks n Back to: u Prepare u Teach Review
Learning to Learn 11 Fundamental Systemic Issues n Learning Technology especially LD and LO has an implicit organisational model at odds with the status quo (Pollock, N. & Cornford, J. 2000, This is the real barrier to sharing learning materials (c.f. Twigg, C, at Alt-C altc2005_documents/caroltwigg_qa.pdf & When Worlds Collide - JISC 2004) n This dialectic is the driver - how quick do we want to go?
Learning to Learn 12 What a Learning Design Technologist Sees The IMS Learning Design Continuum A B C LD Levels
Learning to Learn 13 What a Mainstream Teacher Sees Many Continuums
Learning to Learn 14 Implications for the Future LD and LOs as Boundary Objects (Wenger) for CoPs. They Need to Carry some Context and offer possible Generalisations (Toshiba & Wollongong) Lessons from AI Knowledge Elicitation for LD?
Learning to Learn 15 Problem Space Getting from Here to There: The Bigger Picture 1 Structured Narrative Semi - Structured Narrative Tools & Support Subsistence Economy ‘Craft’ Style Communication with Artefacts and Primitives Sustainable Economy
Learning to Learn 16 The Bigger Picture 2
Learning to Learn 17 LD and the Mainstream - an unfolding dialectic n “We may indeed find that learning objects and learning design do help in transforming teaching in education – it just might not happen the way we though it would” n End