LUME LiveUSB Mediated Education All course material, such as videos and texts stored on the same memory device. All programs stored and executed from the USB-stick. A flash memory for each student! Work on any computer, any place, any time. All work and program settings are saved on the stick between sessions. A TOOL TO FACILITATE Pedagogical flexibility. E-learning. Blended learning. Problem Based Learning. Lifelong learning. Distance education. Self-studies. Read more at: oc.php?id=4473&article=1209&mode=p df garrote.html Adaption of Engineering Education to the use of net independent software A course about the use of Learning Management Systems (LMS), given by the University of Borås to lecturers in Cuba, Guatemala and Peru. The programs Moodle (a free, open-source LMS), Sumatra PDF, VLC media player, LyX, HotPotatoes 6, AbiWord, MoWeS and Portable Open Office was stored on a 4Gb memory stick together with more than 50 Spanish-language videos with practical guides about how to use Moodle, downloaded from YouTube. Each student got a copy of the flash memory and headphones to be able to work undisturbed. The course is problem based, formed around the main assignment for each participant to select a course from their practice and adapt the existing course material to the LMS, possibly add some new material and prepare for the appropriate use of tools, such as discussion boards, grade book etc. when teaching the course in the future. Experiences from the three times the course were given demonstrates that the participants are well prepared to use a LMS in a pedagogically sound way, i.e. as a tool to facilitate constructivist, learner centered methods. The teachers are now aware of the vast free resources (OER) on the internet and have a tool to utilize them. Acknowledgments This work has been produced with financial assistance from the European Community; contract DCI-ALA/ /08/ 19189/ /ALFA III- 9. The contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and in no way to be regarded as reflecting the official views of the European Union. Open Educational Resources (OER) OER together with the LUME method can make education accessible to large numbers of students worldwide. The advent of cheap USB flash drives with large memory capacity means that materials for lifelong learning, distance learning, self study as well as on- campus and blended learning can be distributed at low cost and utilized without regard to the availability or cost of Internet connections. For teachers the LUME method offers a complete tool for getting the most out of OER even if internet connections are scarce or expensive. LiveUSB Mediated Education (LUME) A complete set of instructional material and portable software for a course brought together on a USB memory device. Recursos Educativos Abiertos (REA) –Open Educational Resources (OER) Modern pedagogical methods Information and Communication Technology Open Educational Resources Ramón Garrote Jurado & Tomas Pettersson Allégatan 1, Borås, Sweden